Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Son of G-d

Yochannan 3:16 says: "For G-d so loved the World that He sent his Only-Begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." This statement raises the question about other Sons of G-d. Were their others who were considered Sons of G-d?

In the Septuagint Translation into Greek, which was made in the last 3rd Century before the Common Era, it says at Deuteronomy 32:8 "When (El) Elyon divided the Nations (Goyim), when he separated the Sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the nations according to the number of the Angels of G-d (Aggeloi Theou)." But in the unique scripture tradition among the people of the Dead Sea Scrolls community, to which Yeshua belonged, it says: "When (El) Elyon divided the Nations (Goyim), when he separated the Sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the nations according to the number of the Sons of G-d (Bnai Elohim)." Both versions go on to say that YHVH's portion was Ya'akov which implies that either YHVH is an angel or a Son of G-d.

In the Septuagint Translation into Greek, Job 1:6 says: "It came to pass on a day, that, behold the Angels of G-d (Aggeloi Theou) came to stand before the Lord, and the devil came with them." However, the New American Bible, the official American Catholic version of the Bible, says: "And so one day, when the Sons of G-d came to present themselves before the Lord, Satan also came among them."

In the Lucan Geneology of Yeshua, Luke 3:38, says in giving the final people in his geneology, "... the son of Methuselah, the son of Enoch, the son of Jared, the son of Mahalaleel, the son of Cainan, the son of Enos, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the Son of G-d."

Although the Nicene Creed specifically says that Jesus is the only Son of G-d, that statement is categorically contrary to Scripture. Either the Scripture is the Inspired Word of G-d or it is not. We see from these passages cited above that Sons of G-d can be Angels, Men, and I would argue one other kind of entity, Elementals. I would argue that the Elohim are Elementals. In fact, I would argue that the Elementals are the various earth, water, fire and air spirits which we used to call G-ds. So, was Yeshua the only-begotten Son of G-d?

The answer to this question is likewise not as easy as it would seem. The Zohar, the mystical commentary on the Torah, which, with the Sefer Yetzirah and the Bahir, form the Holy Kabbalah, says that the Archangel Metatron would have seven incarnations. This information is important because the Archangel Metatron is the active agent in the Universe, the King if you will. He has the power to forgive sins. He is obeyed and adored by the Angels and Elementals. He even in the Zohar is equated with YHVH. Therefore, if YHVH, also known as, Metatron, would have seven incarnations, was Yeshua one of those incarnations? I believe He was the Seventh. The first was Enoch whose body was filled with the Spirit of Metatron and became one with the Archangel upon his translation. The second was Noach. The third was Melchizedek. The fourth was Yoshua bar Nun, the aide-de-camp of Moshe, and the one who led the Children of Israel into the Promised Land. The fifth was Solomon the King. The sixth was Yeshua, the High Priest during the time of Zerubbabel and Ezra and the last was Yeshua the adopted son of Joseph whose real father was none other than Enoch, the first incarnation of YHVH. Very really, Yeshua was the Son of the Divine Being, YHVH, the G-d of Israel.

Today, as we celebrate the birth of Yeshua, perhaps we should see it as a reaffirmation that YHVH, the creator and true Son of the G-d El Elyon, the King of the Universe, is anxious to be part of our World. He is not Dead. He lives and continues to minister to us, whether in the form of Yeshua or the form of YHVH. There is truly Hope because He knows what it is like to be Human.