Saturday, March 20, 2010

Material Idols

The YHVH told Moshe, "Thus shall you speak to the Israelites: You have seen for yourselves that I have spoken to you from heaven. Do not make anything to rank with me; neither elohim of silver nor elohim of gold shall you make for yourselves." Exodus 20:22-23.

The Ten Sayings are the first part of the chapter in scripture. But along with the primitive statement of the Ten Commandments we also find this passage which goes far to explain the mind of the Archangel. He says that you must not make anything to rank with me. What do we make that ranks with G-d. In this time of March Madness, does basketball rank with G-d? How many people will prefer basketball to church? How many will spend a thousand dollars on a trip to see a favorite team play but will give little or nothing to the poor people of Haiti or Chile? How many will rush home to watch their new HD Plasma TV? How many want to play that new video game? There are many things today that we "make" to rank with G-d. Some will let the book rank with G-d. Some will allow a particular preacher to rank with G-d.

YHVH says that "you shall not have other elohim before my face." Exodus 20:3. Literally, the passage does not say that you can not have any other g-d, but none that is before his face, that is, that is higher than him or equal to him. The reason for this statement is found in the truth set forth in Deuteronomy 32:8-9. The use of elohim throughout means that YHVH is the G-d of the Israelites, and they should not worship the other g-ds of the other people around them. The passage before says that YHVH is the Elohim of Israel. In this case, it means that YHVH is one of the G-ds and that he is the one for Israel. He forbids any other g-d to rank with him or be before his face.

It is encumbant on us to recognize that El Shaddai and Elyon is the true G-d, far away from us and that YHVH is the G-d who has been assigned by El to the Jewish people. We must not allow any other gods to come close to him or rank with him, not gold, not silver, not anything.

I recognize that the truth is hard for Jews, Christians, and Muslims to accept, but the True G-d, the One G-d, the Almighty and Highest G-d is El, not YHVH. But YHVH is the King of the Elohim, and the Elohim are Angels, as I have said in earlier blogs and proved through scripture.

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