Saturday, July 24, 2010

How Hath Thou Fallen?

"How have you fallen from the heavens, Venus, son of the Dawn!" The Prophet Isaiah asks this question of Nebuchanezzar, but it is a question that is still appropriate today. Luke says: "He (meaning YHVH) has thrown down the rulers from their thrones but lifted up the lowly." Luke 1:52. Again, that is a situation that we see today. Then Luke says: "But lifted up the lowly." Luke 1:52.

In Kansas City, an attorney, a Mr. Logan, a partner in a major law firm was caught sending nude pictures of himself to an undercover agent posing as a 14 year old girl. He was too good to help the poor and brought in a large salary. He was busy making a name for him and trying to get big. Now he faces a $250,000 fine and 10 years in jail.

Gen. McChrystal had long been a general in the United States Army. He had been arrogant and constantly felt that he knew better than the civilians how to run a difficult war. He chose to arrogantly give an interview to a leftist newspaper, The Rolling Stone, and he criticized his superiors. He fell far in one night. He ended his career in disgrace.

Former Governor Vilsack is Secretary of Agriculture. He fired a mid level bureaucrat for having made racist statements without even looking at the speech from which her statements came. He found that he had been duped by a "conservative" translate arrogant blogger. He was forced to make a formal and humble apology to the President and the woman and he may lose his job.

Congressman Rangel, one of three congressmen who have long overstayed their welcome in the House of Representatives, arrogantly broke many ethical rules. He thought because he came from a district that returned him, a black man from a black district, to congress without thinking about it, that he was beyond the law. He had been the fourth ranking Democrat and Chair of the Ways and Means Committee, the most powerful committee in Congress. Now, he will be lucky if the House does not expel him.

All of these men are an object lesson to us about arrogance that becomes unbridled, just as Nebuchanezzar's arrogance became unbridled. He sought to sit his throne next to G-d's throne, they sought to become above the law. See how the mighty have fallen.

On the other hand, Ms. Sherrod admitted that she was human, that once she had had racist thoughts against a white farmer, and then had an epiphany and helped him and his wife save their family farm. She used her recognition that she was a racist to help alert other minorities to the racism that is so rampant among minorities. Fired by Vilsack, she now has been offered another, tailor made job. One might ask why. Well does wrongful discharge, slander, and libel sound familiar. She has a good suit against the blogger, Fox TV, commentators, Vilsack, and the government. Of course, they want to quiet her down. But her honesty may well allow her to retire in style and I wish her well. The lowly have been raised up.

Let these lessons be remembered by my readers and may they take them to heart.

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