Sunday, October 10, 2010

Loyalty Oath

A bill was voted out of the Israeli cabinet this morning that would require all new citizens to swear loyalty to a Jewish and democratic Israel. There are those who are complaining, mainly among the Israeli Arabs who may marry among the non-Israeli marriage pool. The question is especially important both in Israel and the United States.

The State of Israel was founded in 1948 as a Jewish homeland. There were non-Jews in the territory from the beginning, but everyone understood that this would be a homeland for Jews, not for any one else. Nonetheless, Israel extended civil rights and citizenship to all who lived in the land or were later born in the land. Such an act was unusual in the Middle East as Arab nations do not extend full citizenship to Jews and Christians. Israel has 12 Arab members of the 120 member Knesset, the Israeli congress that governs the state. These members have repeatedly made it clear that they are opposed to the State whose congress they serve in. What other nation on earth allows such openly treasonous persons to serve in its legislature? However, the Jews took a stand today saying that at least new persons coming to the State should be loyal and should have to swear that loyalty.

If the Arabs were to take control of Israel, based upon the Jewish treatment in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and Algeria, the Jews would lose both citizenship and civil rights. Therefore, it is not wrong for the Jews to demand a commitment to the cultural views of the State before one becomes a citizen and those culture views include keeping the State a Jewish homeland and democratic.

What would happen if the 22,000,000 Hispanics in the United States were asked to declare their loyalty to America and our cultural values of civil rights? The so-called Reconquista seems to want to take away everything that is American and substitute a Mexican failed state for the United States. Perhaps it would be appropriate to start listening to those who complain about our country and if we find that they are proposing Reconquista they should be charged with Treason and expelled from the country with all their little bambinos. There is no alot of difference between the Reconquista movement and Hamas; neither group wants to recognize what the rest of the world sees.

A loyalty oath is worthless if not enforced. Let us hope that if a person becomes a citizen of Israel or the United States and proves disloyal that they are expelled forthwith.

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