Sunday, February 6, 2011

The End of the Time of Gentiles

Scripture says that the descendants of Jacob are called and that some will hear the call and be chosen to salvation. Paul believed that his ministry to the Gentiles was time-limited. He said in Romans 11:25:

A hardening has come upon part of Israel, until the full number of Gentiles comes in,
and thus all Israel will be saved.

Luke picking up his master's belief says:

They (the Jews) will fall by the edge of the sword and be taken as captives to all the
Gentiles; and Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles until the times of
the Gentiles are fulfilled. Luke 21:24.

Mark, another of Paul's scribes and intimately connected to the Jerusalem church says:

But the Gospel must first be preached to all Gentiles. Mark 13:10

In 1948, the modern state of Israel was declared and thus the descendants of Israel started returning from the diaspora among the 49 nations to which they had been dispersed.

I believe that the founding of the State of Israel began a process that will result in the end of the time of the Gentiles. Two important events also happened in close proximity to the founding of Israel, the finding of the library at Nag Hamadi, which allowed us to know about the Gnostic Christian tradition and the finding of the scrolls at the Dead Sea allowing us to know about the Nasoreans. No more could the Catholic and Orthodox Churches make the claim that their traditions and dogmas went back to the time of Yeshua and the Jerusalem Church for we knew that there were other venerable traditions that were represented in that earliest times and that many Jews had come to have faith in Yeshua. These three events caused a ripple in time that is still spreading out in the time-wave that is our universe. There are 22,000 different sects of Christianity and 1,000 different sects of Islam. Differences appear everyday. These two religions are tearing themselves apart.

Judaism is not immune to the events around it. The total number of practicing Jews is down to 12,000,000 divided among the Chassidim, the Orthodox, the Conservatives, the Reform, the Reconstructionists, the Liberals, the Samaritans, the Karaites, and the Nasoreans. The fight among Jews over who is a Jew and what is a Jew, which had never happened in the 2,000 year Era of Christianity, is tearing the Jewish community apart. The fight over Jerusalem is also a fight over the ripple in that time-line. Will the reform Christians, the Muslims, have the city or will the Orthodox have it.

What happens at the end of the Time of the Gentiles? The Scripture gives us some clues. First, we look at Jeremiah the Prophet who has said:

As the Lord lives, who brought the Israelites out of the land of the North and out of all
the countries to which he had banished them. I will bring them back to the land which
I gave their fathers. 16:15.

and again:

As the Lord lives, who brought the descendants of the House of Israel up from the
land of the North -- and from all the lands to which I banished them; they shall again
live on their own land. 23:8.

There are over 7,000,000 descendants of the House of Israel living in Israel today. These are those who were never far from the Orthodox dogmas. Most live within three generations of those who were practical Jews and who keep the faith. They come from all 49 nations to which we had been dispersed and some of those nations are now Jew-free. However, the second group, the much larger group, those with the blood of Israel now submerged for generations and even millenia are feeling the tug of truth which calls them home. They are forming "christian" groups which still profess the G-dhood of Yeshua, but feel called to the Torah and the practice of its truths. The potential number of this second wave is 137,000,000 people. This feeling, this divine power, which calls these people from their very blood, grows stronger as the time of the Gentiles closes. Why? Because all Israel must be saved.

There is only one religion for the 150,000,000 descendants of the House of Israel and that is the Nasorean Sect of Judaism. All other sects, allied in some way with the former Sadducees and Pharisees, will die and the Nasorean sect must succeed for all Israel must be saved. The falsehoods of the Pauline religion of the Sun G-d are being exposed and the great Priest of the Sun G-d, Pope Benedict XVI, is moving the churches of Christendom into a circle, like a wagon train under fire, because he feels the tug of the Spirit calling an end to the time of the Gentiles and he tries to hold on to the past with great tenacity.

Those of you who are Gentiles and who have fallen into the lie of Christianity, you still have a chance. You can become Jews by circumcision and baptism into Abraham, Jacob, and Yeshua. Your time is short. You must do it now, for the doors to salvation for the Gentiles is ending.

Paganism is the fastest growing religious opinion in the world. It is sweeping North America, South America, and Europe. Even China returns to the enlightened paganism of Confucius. Soon the number of believers of Christianity and Islam will have reached their maximum growth by the addition of children and the vast numbers will turn to paganism. Then it will be the Nasorean sect, the True and Pure Sect of Judaism, versus the Pagans and Christianity, Judaism, and Islam will be swept away before the tidal wave.

This process, started 63 years ago, will pick up steam. Secularism is another word for pagan. Santa Claus will replace Jesus in Christmas and the end is near for the faith of martyrs. We are entering a new age, the age of Aquarius, where people will maintain their privacy, will meet each other superficially, will make acquaintances instantly, will keep their true thoughts secret, and will build a harmony based upon the truth of public opinion. This insistence upon superficiality will blossom under the rule of those who teach the Religion of Science and under the coming leader who will be the High Priest of Science and the Ruler of the new state, the World. Those of us who are believers will see that the simplest religion is the best and will return to the home from which pure religion has always come. The World Religion of Science, Secularism and Paganism grows stronger every day.

This is a prophecy and those of you who believe it should join in the process of hiding on the seashore among the sand. Let those who have ears to hear, hear.

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