Thursday, February 23, 2012

Making Every Serve in the IDF

The military in the United States, Russia, Britain, France, Germany and other countries have become all volunteer. When a country has an all volunteer army it is easier to get into war, because the only people who are fighting want to fight. A citizen army and a Congressional declaration of war guarantees a country will not become involved in expeditions that are contrary to the country's will.

Israel, yesterday took a big step forward to guarantee its army remains a citizen force. Not only is there a draft in  Israel, and Sweden and Switzerland, but now there will be no religious deferment. If there is no religious deferment the government will find it easier to make peace with their neighbors.

I congratulate the Supreme Constitutional Court of Israel for making this ruling. It strengthens democracy in this tiny country.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Kiddush according to the Nasoreans: A Eucharistic Meal

Kiddush means sanctification. It is the first service of the Shabbat. It is the time when we remember Passover and when we make the Thanksgiving sacrifice (Eucharist). What is the meaning of this ritual?

To begin this discussion, we read in Exodus 12:14: "This day shall be a zikaron for you, which all your generations shall celebrate with pilgrimage to the Lord, as a perpetual institution." Zikaron means remembrance. It is like the bequest of an estate or the marriage ring. It stands in for the entire event of a person's relationship with another. It is a small part of the entire event. But Exodus goes on to explain: "On this day you shall explain to your son,'This is because of what the Lord did for me when I came out of Egypt'. 13:8. The Haggadah of the Seder Meal has four questions and it explains that if you ask the question, "What does this mean to you?" you place yourself outside of the community, because the Lord wants to emphasize that what he did at the Passover is an eternal act, done for each descendant of Jacob throughout eternity. It is the belief of the Kabbalah that every Jew who would ever live was present at the Passover and at the reading of the Torah in front of Mt. Sinai. Our reincarnated souls were present to assent to the Passover, by placing the blood on the door, and to the covenant by saying yes to it at Mt. Sinai. The concept of zikaron then takes on a greater meaning, because the Event, the Passover, happened to me, not to my ancestors alone, but to me. I remember what G-d did for me. 

Two elements of the Seder Meal are important for the remembrance, the zikaron. They are the Matzah or bread and the four cups of kosher wine, which is a strong wine. We bless the first cup with the Kiddush prayer and sanctify the cup and the day as a holy day. We drink the first cup. Then we break the middle loaf of bread in a stack of three loaves and hide away one half of the bread. The remaining bread is blessed and eaten. Then we bless the second cup called the Cup of Telling or Maggid. It is drunk. Then we have the meal. After the meal, the third cup called the cup of blessing or redemption and it is drunk. Lastly, the cup of praise or the Hallel cup is taken. 

Paul called by us the Liar is the first to write about the Seder that Yeshua (Jesus) celebrated. It is normally called the Last Supper. He begins his discussion of the Eucharist, also called Communion or the Lord's Supper, in 1 Corinthians 10. He says, "The Cup of Blessing that we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread that we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ?" 10:16. The word that is used here for participation is koinonia, a Greek word meaning participation and fellowship and communion. So Paul is saying that when we eat the bread and drink the cup we have returned to the Last Supper and joined with Yeshua in the event. All of those at that table were in koinonia; they participated fully in the event. And the event itself was a participation, a zikaron, of the original Passover. Paul continues with his story in chapter 11 where he says, "For I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and, after he had given thanks, broke it and said, "This is my body that is for you. Do this in anamnesis of me." 11:24. The word anamnesis is the Greek word for the Hebrew word zikaron. Jesus is saying that he has become the Paschal Lamb that is the center of this meal and the Matzah is embued with the meaning of the Body of the Lamb. The whole event is renewed. No longer are we talking about the Exodus Passover, but now we talk about the Renewed Exodus. Jesus is the blood on the door in the form of a cross. Jesus is the Bread of the Feast. Paul goes on, 'In the same way, also the cup, after the supper, saying, 'This is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in anamnesis of me.'"11:25. Jesus is saying then that the Cup of blessing has become the blood of the Paschal Lamb, the same blood that is marked on the door in the form of a cross. When we drink it, we renew the covenant we made with Yeshua and G-d at the time of the Passover and Sinai. 

The last element of this Event is the concept of its ever presence among us. When we do Passover, we relive the event and for those of us who are followers of Yeshua, we also recall and relive the events that happened later, his arrest, his trial, his death, his resurrection, his ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit on Shavuot, at our personal Mt. Sinai. Many will say however that Yeshua is not present really in these events, that he does not show up again when we celebrate them. For those people, G-d did not do these mighty acts for them. Like the evil child of Passover, they are not  part of the Chosen of G-d. They are outside of the community. But Paul's response is timely. He says, "For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body, eats and drinks judgment on himself." 11:29. Just as at the event at Emmaus, where Luke records that Cleophas his uncle and another were joined by Yeshua as they walked, they did not recognize him until he took the bread and broke it and gave it to them. Luke 24:13-32. So the eyes of faith will open our hearts to the real presence of Yeshua in the Seder Meal as both the Master of the Meal and the Paschal Lamb. 

Weekly, Jews all over the world, on Friday evening at sundown renew this zikaron of Passover in the Kiddush cup. The bread and wine consumed bring those present into communion not only with each other but with the Paschal Lamb that was slain. He said that where two or more are met together in his name, He would also be and that is not symbolically, but actually. Our sins are taken away during that service if we truly repent and we are sustained and nourished with the remembrance of the events surrounding that day. 

The claim has been made from the early times of the church that this understanding of Yeshua as being the bread and blood is cannibalism. John 6:53-55 makes it absolutely clear that Yeshua is telling us to eat his flesh and blood. However, it is John that tells us that Jesus is the Lamb of G-d. Now, how can Jesus really be a Lamb. He is the Lamb, the Pascha, of Passover in the same way he is both the Archangel of the Presence, who led Israel in the Desert and a Cloud of Fire and Smoke. He is both the Pascha and a Man and we eat the Pascha not the Man. 

Without the saving power of the Eucharist, which the Clementine letters openly assert is the replacement of the Mosaic sacrifice, we are still in our sins, because Hebrews 6 says that after we have been baptized and confirmed and we sin we are crucifying Christ again. Only the Nasorean Sect has this true understanding of Eucharist and the Pharisees are still in their sins. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Moving to the Desert

It is time to tell the story of why I moved from Kansas City to Council Grove, Kansas.

About a year and a half ago, the Voice said to me, "Barry, you must move from Kansas City." I asked why and it said, "Terrible things are going to happen in Kansas City and in most cities in the world. The cities are going to lose their power and very quickly they will revert to barbarism. The strong men will eat the bodies of babies in the city streets and all the citizens will be slaves or dead." It was very hard to believe what I was hearing, but being a logical and reasonable person and being also a faithful believer and follower of the Voice, I began to make inquiries about one hundred miles south of Kansas City to try to find a place to open a law office. I was going to first commute one day a week and then slowly move to the new area.

My first attempts failed. I waited another six months and during that entire time there was no new business. My money was being used up to get buy and I was starting to live on credit. Then the Voice again spoke on this subject and told me to move out of Kansas City. I went out about forty miles to the West and began looking for office space. I did not find anything. I went another five months. Still there was no new business and I was out of money. I had enough money in August to pay the rent, but I could not pay the utilities, the gasoline bills, the credit cards, buy food, or anything else.

Joshua said to me that I should apply for Section 8 housing where I could take my dog. I found two such places that had openings -- one in Council Grove and one in Lincoln. I went to see them both, but Council Grove was clearly to be preferred. On August 8, 2011, I signed the contract for Council Grove. On August 11, 2011, I started getting cases again and money started flowing in. It has not stopped.

I found a small town of 3,000 in a county of 7,000. These are good people. They are unsophisticated. The have simple faith -- false faith in false gods, but they believe in their false god well. They do good things and live good lives. I have gotten involved in this community in the last six months and the Lord begins to show me what he wants to do. He reminds me that Jesus sent his 72 disciples to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. He specifically said not to go to the Gentiles that could not understand the message. The Lord wants me to begin an active ministry to those who I find are of the Lost Sheep. I find that about 120 years ago many Jewish people came here from Russia and eastern Europe. They converted to Christianity, but they still are descendants of Jacob and are therefore to come home to the truth. See Jeremiah 16: 14-15; and 23: 7-8. It is time to bring these people throughout central Kansas back to the Torah and to the Meshiach of Melchizedek, Yeshua ha Meshiach, who is Jesus our Lord. It is time to call these people back to the faith of the Apostles.

You will find that the website:; this blog; and a twitter account have been joined and a new push is on to bring the truth to the world. Join us and bring your friends. To those close by, we offer the Kiddush on Friday nights and if enough want it Havdalah on Saturday evening.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Letting Assad Stay

Bashar al-Assad is the President of Syria. He is said to be a dictator, just like his father, and he may well be just like his father. However, it is because he is like his father that he should be allowed to stay in power until a solution to a more serious problem can be found. You see, there are 2.2 million Alawites and Druze and 1.9 million Christians and a small number of Jews among the 19.7 million people. The Sunni majority have attempted genocide on the Alawites and Druze four times in the past and with an almost certain take over by Islamists, if Bashar al-Assad is replaced, there will be genocide again. 

We have seen that in Egypt the 8 million Coptic Christians have been attacked and their churches burned after the revolution. These things did not happen under the previous regime. We have seen in Tunisia threats against the Jewish minority which did not happen under the previous regime. In Iran, we have seen the Jews and Christians harassed and mistreated by the Shi'ite regime which never happened under the Shah. Until some outside body can assure the safety of over 25% of the people who will be in jeopardy, no regime change should take place. 

It is time that the people see that Western and especially American diplomacy in the Middle East have been a failure. American activities have guaranteed that the people did not progress toward democracy or stability. In fact, American activities have given some of our worst enemies access to advanced weaponry to use against us. Israel no longer trusts us. They are busy building new bridges with Cyprus, India, Greece, and Bulgaria because we are no longer faithful friends. Turkey under the generals was a supporter of the West, but under the religious government it is a friend of Iran. In fact, Iran is a democracy. It is just as good a democracy as Pakistan, Jordan, Greece, Hungary, and Russia. Yet because Iran is anti-American, it is not considered a democracy. Democracy, to be successful, requires the development of democratic, secular, institutions in advance of the establishment of democracy. 

War between Israel and Iran is inevitable. The world should stay out of that war. Let Iran fire its one nuke at Israel. Let Israel fire ten in response. Let the Iranians overthrow their leadership in the aftermath. None of the Iranian nukes will get through, even though some of the other missiles will. Israel will be punished because of its refusal to keep the Sabbath and its refusal to remove unkosher food from its markets. But Israel will survive. Iran will be smaller after the war. Kurdistan will be formed as a result of the war. 

We must realize that if Israel is let to have a free hand, Hizballah and Hamas will cease to exist along with most of their supporters. Several million enemies of Israel will die. Israel will annex the West Bank and the Palestinian problem will be resolved in a different, more drastic manner. Israel will follow the Chinese example and outlaw the birth of more than two children per Israeli, including Palestinian, families. This will maintain the status quo. 

Ron Paul would allow the inevitable to happen. Elect him to the Presidency.