Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Moving to the Desert

It is time to tell the story of why I moved from Kansas City to Council Grove, Kansas.

About a year and a half ago, the Voice said to me, "Barry, you must move from Kansas City." I asked why and it said, "Terrible things are going to happen in Kansas City and in most cities in the world. The cities are going to lose their power and very quickly they will revert to barbarism. The strong men will eat the bodies of babies in the city streets and all the citizens will be slaves or dead." It was very hard to believe what I was hearing, but being a logical and reasonable person and being also a faithful believer and follower of the Voice, I began to make inquiries about one hundred miles south of Kansas City to try to find a place to open a law office. I was going to first commute one day a week and then slowly move to the new area.

My first attempts failed. I waited another six months and during that entire time there was no new business. My money was being used up to get buy and I was starting to live on credit. Then the Voice again spoke on this subject and told me to move out of Kansas City. I went out about forty miles to the West and began looking for office space. I did not find anything. I went another five months. Still there was no new business and I was out of money. I had enough money in August to pay the rent, but I could not pay the utilities, the gasoline bills, the credit cards, buy food, or anything else.

Joshua said to me that I should apply for Section 8 housing where I could take my dog. I found two such places that had openings -- one in Council Grove and one in Lincoln. I went to see them both, but Council Grove was clearly to be preferred. On August 8, 2011, I signed the contract for Council Grove. On August 11, 2011, I started getting cases again and money started flowing in. It has not stopped.

I found a small town of 3,000 in a county of 7,000. These are good people. They are unsophisticated. The have simple faith -- false faith in false gods, but they believe in their false god well. They do good things and live good lives. I have gotten involved in this community in the last six months and the Lord begins to show me what he wants to do. He reminds me that Jesus sent his 72 disciples to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. He specifically said not to go to the Gentiles that could not understand the message. The Lord wants me to begin an active ministry to those who I find are of the Lost Sheep. I find that about 120 years ago many Jewish people came here from Russia and eastern Europe. They converted to Christianity, but they still are descendants of Jacob and are therefore to come home to the truth. See Jeremiah 16: 14-15; and 23: 7-8. It is time to bring these people throughout central Kansas back to the Torah and to the Meshiach of Melchizedek, Yeshua ha Meshiach, who is Jesus our Lord. It is time to call these people back to the faith of the Apostles.

You will find that the website:; this blog; and a twitter account have been joined and a new push is on to bring the truth to the world. Join us and bring your friends. To those close by, we offer the Kiddush on Friday nights and if enough want it Havdalah on Saturday evening.

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