Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Promises to the Tzaddikim

The Company of the Tzaddikim is  sufficient to withhold punishment from the world. Gen. 18:26.
It is a sin to kill a Tzaddik. Exodus 23:7.
A Tzaddik may not take a gift. Exodus 23:8.
God does not withdraw his eyes from the Tzaddikim. Job 36:7.
God knows the Path of the Tzaddikim. Psa. 1:6.
God will bless the Tzaddik and surround him like a shield. Psa. 5:12.
God will silence those who speak against the Tzaddikim. Psa. 31:18. God judges the Tzaddikim. Psa. 7:11.
Many are the afflictions of the Tzaddikim but the Lord delivers him from all of them. Psa. 34:19.
Those who hate the Tzaddikim shall be punished. Psa. 34:21.
A Tzaddik has little but his things are better than the rich. Psa. 37:16.
The Lord upholds the Tzaddikim. Psa. 37:17.
A Tzaddik has the power to grant mercy and can forgive sins. Psa. 37:21.
The Tzaddik will not be forsaken nor his children beg for bread. Psa. 37:25.
The Tzaddikim shall inherit the Holy Land. Psa. 37:29.
The mouth of the Tzaddik speaks wisdom. His tongue talks judgment. Psa. 37:30.
The wicked watch the Tzaddikim and seek to slay them. Psa. 37:32.
The victory of the Tzaddik is the Lord; He is their strength in the time of trouble. Psa. 37:39.
Cast your burdens upon the Lord and he shall sustain you; He will never suffer the Tzaddik to be moved. Psa. 55:22.
The Tzaddik shall rejoice when He sees God take vengeance. He shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked. Psa. 58:10. So that a man shall see there is a reward for the Tzaddikim. Psa. 58:11.
The Tzaddik shall be glad in YHVH and trust Him. Psa. 64:10.
The Tzaddik's name is written in the Book of Life. Psa. 69:28.
When the Day of the Tzaddik arrives he shall flourish; and abundance of peace shall last as long as the Moon endures. Psa. 72:7.
The Horns of the Tzaddik shall be exalted. Psa. 75:10.
A Tzaddik sees divine Light and it is sown in his soul. Psa. 97:11.
God will remember a Tzaddik forever. Psa. 112:6.
The Tzaddikim are the right hands of the Lord. Psa. 118:15.
There is a special gate into the Divine Temple for the Tzaddikim. Psa. 118:20.
Evil shall not rest upon the Tzaddikim. Psa. 125:3.
The Lord loves the Tzaddikim. Psa. 146:8.
The Lord will not suffer the Nephesh of the Tzaddik to famish. Pro. 10:3.
The mouth of the Tzaddik is a well of Life. Pro. 10:11.
The wages of the Tzaddik is life. Pro. 10:16.
The lips of a Tzaddik feed many. Pro. 10:21.
The desire of the Tzaddik shall be granted. Pro. 10:24.
The lips of the Tzaddik know what is acceptable. Pro. 10:32.
The Tzaddik is delivered from trouble. Pro. 11:8.
When it goes well with the Tzaddikim, the city rejoices. Pro. 11:10.
The seed of the Tzaddikim shall be delivered. Pro. 11:21.
The desire of the Tzaddikim is good. Pro. 11:23.
The fruit of the Tzaddik is a Tree of Life; and he that wins souls is wise. Pro. 11:30.
The Tzaddik shall be recompensed in the Earth. Pro. 11:31.
The thoughts of the Tzaddik are right. Pro. 12:5.
The Tzaddik regards the Spirit of the animal. Pro. 12:10.
The Tzaddik is more excellent than his neighbor. Pro. 12:26.
The Tzaddik hates lying. Pro. 13:5.
The Tzaddik's good will be repaid. Pro. 13:21.
The Tzaddik's soul will be satisfied. Pro. 13:25.
The Tzaddik has hope in his death. Pro. 14:22.
The heart of the Tzaddik studies to answer. Pr. 15:28.
It is not good to accept the person of the Wicked, to overthrow the Tzaddik in judgment. Pro. 18:5.
The Lord hears the prayer of the Tzaddik. Pro. 15:29.
The Wicked shall be a ransom for the Tzaddik. Pro. 21:18.
The Tzaddik gives and spares not. Pro. 21:26.
A Tzaddik falling down before the Wicked is a troubled fountain, and a corrupt spring. Pro. 25:26.
The Tzaddikim are as bold as lions. Pro. 28:1.
When Tzaddikim rejoice, there is great glory. Pro. 28:12.
When the Wicked perish, the Tzadikkim increases. Pro. 28:28.
When Tzaddikim are in authority, the People rejoice. Pro. 29:2.
The Tzaddikim consider the cause of the poor. Pro. 29:7.
The Tzaddikim, and the Wise, and their Works, are in the Hand of God. Eccl. 9:1.
Say to the Tzaddikiim, it shall be well with you. Isa. 3:10.
The Tzaddik perish, and no man lays it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the Tzaddik is taken away from the Evil to come. Isa. 57:1.
The breath that sins, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the Charity of the Tzaddik shall be upon him. Ezek 18:20.
Therefore, Son of Man, say unto the children of Your  People; The Charity of the Tzaddik shall not deliver him in the day of transgression. Ezek. 33:12.
He that receives a Tzaddik in the name of the Tzaddik shall receive a Tzaddik's reward. Matt. 10:41.
Then shall the Tzaddikim shine forth as the Sun in the Kingdom of the Father. Matt. 13:47.
The Tzaddik will go to eternal life. Matt. 25:46.
The fervent prayer of a Tzaddik avails much. Jas.  5:16.

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