Monday, October 12, 2009

It's All About Authority

I begin this blog by talking about authority. All religions make claims based upon authority and ultimately the person who speaks has to establish his authority to speak. I claim the authority to speak because I believe I have been called to a High Mountain to speak to the King of the Universes and he has given me an honest and unique perspective on religion in general and spirituality.

Zoroaster established his authority with the King of Persia by demonstrating miracles. Likewise, Moses showed forth magic and miracle to support his claim to speak for YHVH. Jesus likewise supported his claims to authority by signs and wonders. In fact, the Prophet must prove himself and he is proven by both what he says and what signs follow him. The early followers of Jesus, whom I will refer to throughout this blog as Yeshua, must have shown forth those signs. Luke records in Acts 3 the story of Peter healing the beggar at the Beautiful Gate. Likewise Paul cast out demons and performed miraculous acts to certify his authority. By the late Apostolic period, that is at the turn of the first century, the Markan Longer Ending says at Mark 16:17 that certain signs would accompany the believer. The signs that follow the believer are often considered miraculous as well.

By the end of the second century of the Christian Era, Tertullian talks about authority in this way: he says that apostolic authority devolves upon the episcopate directly from the Apostles, who are the official witnesses of Yeshua's life and ministry. In order to know that a person is a true bishop or "episkopus" in Greek, he must have three signs: traditio, communio, and potestas in Latin, that is, the Bishop must be in the Tradition of the Apostles, must have Communion by the laying of hands in a perpetual chain, and And AND, potestas, that is power, signs or miracles to prove him.

Christianity today and Judaism today make claims of authority. Let us look at Judaism first to see if they meet the requirements of authority. First, Judaism today claims that the Rabbim were given authority directly from Moses when he appointed the Sanhedrin. There is no indication that the seventy that were appointed by Moses formed an ongoing institution that continued from the time of Moses until the appearance of the Sanhedrin again in the late third century before the Christian Era. Second, the Rabbim do not perform the acts and signs of Moses so as to claim that he is their source. Third, they are not the hereditary priesthood appointed by Moses through his brother Aaron. Fourth, the Rabbim have not continued the institution of sacrifice which gave legitimacy to the entire Temple system. In fact, Rabbinism began with Rabbi Akiva and has no connection whatsoever to the Torahic institutions established by Moses. The Rabbim have even chosen to change whole sections of the Torah just as was prophesied by the Book of Daniel when the Rabbim began their pharisaical heresy, that is, they have changed the times and seasons on which the great feasts and fasts where to be done. They have even gone further an added feasts and fasts like Purim, Chanukkah, and the Fast of Av to commemorate the destruction of the Temple.

The Christians claim to authority is just as false. The Christian systems which are episcopal in government claim descent from the Apostles and yet while there is unquestioned communion back to the earliest apostolic times, there is no unity of tradition, and there is no power. No Christian bishop today is chosen because of his close adherence to biblical doctrine but rather his orthodoxy is decided by the accumulated errors of the ages. Lastly, no Bishop is ordained because of his signs, that is, the power to heal, to multiply, to raise the dead, to exorcise demons, and to speak prophesy. So what they say has no authority whatsoever.

There is a completely different source for authority besides Apostolic Succession. In Ephesians, the writer says: "So then you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the holy ones and members of the household of G-d, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Meshiach Yeshua himself as the capstone. " 2:19-20. Thus, there is a prophetic succession. Each apostle witnessed the life and teachings of Yeshua and passed those down to others. However, the Prophet is the servant of the Holy Spirit and in accordance with transmission from Elijah to Elisha it is known that Prophets can confer their authority on others. Some few in the world to day are prophets and some in the past separate from the apostolic succession have been true prophets and have passed on their authority. Those successions must be judged by the criteria set forth by Tertullian and this blog will not further comment on them.

It is appropriate to declare my authority. It is hard for the reader to judge the truth of a person's witness over the Internet and so it may be difficult for you to decide that I have authority to speak from my High Mountain. And, of course, the gospel says that even Yeshua was taken to the High Mountain by HaShaitan, Satan. Nonetheless, I will set forth my authority to speak.

First, a prophet must have a message. I have a message. First, I proclaim the necessity to recover the roots of our faith in the First Century, roots that will be found in the traditions and work of the Dead Sea Scroll community. I call myself as Nasorean and Yeshua likewise was called as Nasorean, so we are Nasoreans. I am a Torah observant Jew, but I am not a Rabbinical. Second, I believe that the Most High wants all of us to become Saints. The Holy Spirit gave me a message (112 pages long) on how to become saintly, called "Climbing Jacob's Ladder: A Lay Guide to Holiness".

Second, a prophet must tradition. I am a firmly in the Jewish tradition although I believe that Yeshua ha Meshiach had a vital role to play in salvation history. I am a Nasorean and am based in the scriptures found in the caves at the Dead Sea.

Third, a prophet must have power as proof of his message. I am a well known exorcist in Kansas City and beyond. I speak in tongues. I have raised the dead. I often lay hands for healing of the sick and see miraculous results. I have picked up snakes and not been harmed and have drank poison and lived. Lastly and most important, I have received messages about the future and about scripture which have been validated.

Fourth, I have followed the Path of Holiness as outlined in the Prophesy mentioned above and led others on that Path. I am now a Tzaddik and I led others to saintliness before they went to heaven.

Based upon these statements, I claim authority to speak and will not again mention my authority.

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