Wednesday, October 28, 2009

So What About Jesus/Yeshua?

The Demiurge of the Greeks, the Ancient of Days and the Archangel of the Presence of the Jews, is a unique being among men and angels. When El sent forth the One Ray of Light from which everything we have in this universe, all the energy and all the matter, was formed, El created a being at the moment of the Universal Conception called Adam Kadmon, or the Primeval Man. He is the head of the first Universe called Atziluth, the Universe of Pure Thought. The Zohar creation story then tells us that El and Adam Kadmon created all that is in the first Universe and then Adam Kadmon precessed into the Second Universe called Briyah, Creation. In that universe, He became the Ancient of Days and he created the Archangels Michael, Gavriel, Raphael, Uriel/Ariel, Ashmodai, Ba'alzebul, and Hallel who were perfectly balanced on the fulcrum of Uriel/Ariel. Three and one half Archangels were givers and three and one half Archangels were receivers and so the universe which exists to give and to take was balanced. At this point, the Ancient of Days and the Archangels in all their glory precess to Yetzirah, the Third Universe of Formation. Here all the gods of old, the elementals, were created. Here the souls of man were created. Here the myriad of angelic choirs were created. In this universe, Adam Kadmon, the Ancient of Days, was called the Archangel Metatron and YHVH.

The creation of man was conceived as a method by which YHVH could regain perfection, be freed from the grossness of the Third Universe and ascend again to unite with El. He endowed man with free will and immortality. By limiting his earthly life, YHVH hoped to impel man to quickly find his Divine Nature and therefore be ready for his return to the Universe of Formation. They YHVH and the Archangels created Assiyah, the Universe of Being, our universe.

The first words of Gensis begin: B'resheit, bara elohim hashemayim v'et haaretz. That passage is has an alternate translation. B means From when added to the word after it. Resheit means literally the head from which we get Beginning. Bara means created. Elohim is literally the G-ds. Hashemayim is the Heavens and Haaretz is the Terra Firma we live on. Thus, one possible translation is: From the Head meaning from Metatron, the gods created the heavens and the earth. The gods are the Archangels for it says in Psalm 82, YHVH rises in the Divine Council, gives judgment in the midst of the gods. Once we know this alternative translation, we see that Zohar is correct. YHVH who is the Archangel Metatron, the Archangel of the Presence, along with the Archangels, who are his children, created the Heavens and Earth for man and gave man dominion over it.

We are told in Genesis that in the seventh generation from Adam, a man who was named from birth for his uniqueness was born. His name Initiated or Enoch. He walked on this earth for 365 years and then ascended into Heaven where he provided a body that was holy and allowed Metatron to take on physical form. That being, Enoch-Metatron decided to come to Earth to see the nature of man six more times. The second was Noach, the third Melchizedek, the fourth Yoshua son of Nun, the fifth Solomon the King, the sixth Yeshua the High Priest in the time of Zerubbabel, and the last time, Yeshua the Nasorean, son of Mary and Enoch, the Archangel.

Yeshua was proclaimed by the Angels to be the Son of El Elyon. In reality, he was the most perfect son of El Elyon, having both the spirit of YHVH and the flesh of Mary and his father, Enoch, the son of El Elyon. He was told by an angel after John's death that he was in fact the long awaited Melchizedek returned. He truly was King of Jerusalem and High Priest of El Elyon. When he ascended, he again held the High Priesthood and acted again as the only mediator between El and the Multiverse we live in.

It is a true statement that is made in Deuteronomy: Hear O Yisrael, YHVH, our G-d, YHVH is one. YHVH is not the true G-d. He is one as well; his name is El Elyon or El Shaddai. But YHVH is the most powerful being in the multiverse. He is the First One and will be the Last One. He is the Father of all, gods, angels, demons, elementals, ghosts, man, animals, plants, all that lives. He knows more, wants the good more, seeks the Light more, gives the Light more, and is the only G-d of the Hebrews. It is henotheistic statement which does not deny the existence of other G-ds, but proclaims his supremacy over them. And he is one. His spirit one. His flesh is seven, but his spirit is one.

So what about Jesus/Yeshua? He is not G-d, but just as Exodus 23:20 warns that you should not blaspheme him, he likewise will not forgive your sins if you deny him.

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