Saturday, December 19, 2009

Messiahs: Jesus

The Archangel of the Presence, the King of the Multiverse, the Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer, in order to meet the requirements of His own law, decreed that his seventh incarnation would occur in the 6th year before the common era. He came in his human form with the body of Enoch and the DNA of Enoch to a young girl, Maryam, who lived in Nazara, a city in the Gilgal (Galilee). He had sent his son, Gavriel, the Archangel, to tell her that he was coming. In fact, he had told the whole world through his Prophet Isaiah, (Isa. 56:1) that Yeshua was about to come. Now, of course, there were many Yeshuas, but the Prophet calls this one My Yeshua.

Now this young girl was betrothed to a man named Yotsef of the House of David. In fact, he was the putative heir to the throne of David. His great grandfather had been the promised Teacher of Righteousness (Joel 2:22) and had founded the Nasorean Sect of Judaism some years before and his grandmother, daughter of the priestly family that led the Nasorean Sect, was married to the putative heir of the House of David and as a result he was the Prince of Judah by right and high member of the anti-Hasmonean faction in Palestine.

Now, the mighty Enoch appeared to this young girl and had relations with her. She was impregnated with the Divine Seed and by a perfectly natural method became pregnant. Yotzef was greatly troubled by this fact as in Jewish law the betrothal period was already a marriage. He decided to divorce privately to keep her from being stoned as an adulteress, but the Archangel intervened and came to him in a dream, like Yotzef of old, and told him that the child was born by action of Holy Spirit and was the Son of G-d. Yotzef was mystified, but took no further action.

Some time later, Yotzef and Maryam were on the way to Jerusalem for the feast of Sukkoth when she came to term in Bethlehem. They had left Qumran earlier that day and had hoped to make Jerusalem, but it was too far for her in her condition. Due to the travelers on the road, there was no room in the Inn for them and the kindly owner of the Inn told them the best he could do was to let them use the stable which was in a cave behind the Inn.

The Archangel decreed that signs should appear in the heavens announcing his birth. A great supernova lasting over two years in its shining appeared first in the sky that Sukkoth and lasted for two years. Angelic hosts appeared to welcome the new born King of the Jews and of the whole multiverse. Shepherds who were still in the fields were informed an came to witness the birth. Born as he was on a particular astrological alignment, the astrologers of the Persian Prophet, Zoroaster, saw and understood the meaning of the star and the alignment. They took some time to come to the understanding and then more time to organize the trip. They came from all over the Persian world to see this child that the Star had announced. It took them two years and when they arrived they found that Yotzef had purchased a house in Bethlehem and they found him and worshipped the two year old wonder child. They also told Yotzef about their encounter with Herod the Great and Yotzef, knowing the King's hatred of the Davidic House, became afraid and decided to move his family to safety in Egypt.

The family stayed in Egypt for a prolonged visit but sometime in the 3rd year before the common era, having learned that Herod was dead, they returned to Nazara on the western side of Lake Kinnaret, the sea of Gilgal. The communities of the Nasorean sect decided to have a great meeting in the 8th year of the Common Era. The Essene theologians of the Order were going to decide whether a young man, a distant cousin of Yeshua's was in fact the Prophet spoken of in Isaiah 40:3. Yotzef brought Yeshua and his younger son, Ya'akov, with him.

The great counsel of the Order debated whether Yochanan, the son of the High Priest Zechariah of the Line of Onias and Zadok, was in truth the Voice in the Wilderness. Then the Holy Spirit moved upon the body and they recognized that Yochanan was the High Priest, Yeshua was the rightful King, and Ya'akov was in fact the Prophet in the Wilderness of Nazara. From that time forward, the three boys were raised together and Yotzef took no further role in raising him.

Yochanan became a great preacher and a true Priest of G-d and many began to come to repentance under his guidance. Yeshua was also under his sway. He helped him and preached with him and organized the Nasorean Order into an effective opposition movement. He worked with the Zealotes to form an effective army against the Romans. Ya'akov watched all of this and tried to understand the Will of the Most High.

Now the Nasorean Order believed that the third Incarnation of the Archangel would reappear. His name was Melchizedek. They spoke of his reappearance often as a sign of the Jubilee. Yochanan ran into problems with Prince Herod Antipas, the Tetrarch of Gilgal and Perea. He was arrested and murdered for preaching that it was unlawful for Herod to marry his brother's wife while his brother was still living. Yeshua's entire belief system was challenged by the murder.

Yeshua went into the desert like Elijah and prayed to die. Like Elijah, the Archangel Gavriel came to him and reminded him that Melchizedek was going to come again. He convinced the thirty year old Yeshua in 24 CE that he was in fact the Priest King Melchizedek returned. When he returned to the land of Judah, he began to preach that he was Melchizedek returned with all the authority and power that his return implied. He began to teach a radical philosophy of unity for all Jews and a radical philosophy of resistance against the Romans. He urged the Zealotes army and the crack troops of the Sicarii to prepare for revolution. Like the prophecies of Melchizedek promised, he raised the dead, cast out demons, healed the sick, and preached a strict Torachic code.

All of this cumulnated in 27 CE with a daring invasion of Jerusalem. Over a two week period some one month before Passover in 27 CE, the Zealotes army sent in troops to the city. They found a particular day, a day of Roman atrocity, and rushed into the Temple, took control of the precincts and held it against the High Priest Caiphas and the Roman Procurator. The expected all Israel to rise in revolution. It did not happen. The Romans responded by trying to starve the Zealotes and they began to undermine one of the towers of the Temple wall. Finally, two weeks into the rebellion, the tower crumbled. Jesus fled with his inner twelve. They went to Bethany while the Romans tried to find them as the city filled up with more than a million people for Passover.

On the Sunday before Passover, Yeshua entered into the city again on a foal in fulfillment of the prophecy of Zechariah (Zech. 9:9) and with that act proclaimed himself the King of Jerusalem because in ancient times the king as part of his coronation ceremony would enter the capital on the foal of an ass. The Romans as usual did not understand what this act meant, but the High Priest did. Jesus arranged for the Nasorean Passover Seder which would occur one day before the Pharisee Passover Seder on Wednesday of that week.

After the Seder, the drunken men, still singing, went out to the Mount of Olives to pray and there Jesus was confronted by the High Priest's police. He was brought to Annas, who was the de facto High Priest and examined and finally the Sanhedrin was called. Jesus was found guilty of blasphemy for declaring that he was the Messiah, but the High Priest knowing that he could do nothing against Jesus brought a different charge against him and sent him to Pilate for judgment. He charged Jesus was sedition and treason for having proclaimed himself the King of Jerusalem. Pilate saw a very diplomatic man, an aristocrat, whom he did not want to kill. He had Jesus' son, Jesus Bar Abbas, in custody and he offered to exchange the father for the son. The people seeing that a live successor could save the movement from death chose to let the father die. Pilate found Jesus guilty of sedition and treason, which, of course, he was , and sentenced him to death on a cross.

Jesus was killed between two of his fellow insurgents. The followers of Jesus in the Sanhedrin had tried to prepare a drug to make Jesus look dead, which was offered to him in a sponge on a stick, but no one was prepared for the lance in the side and Jesus did not recover. However, they spirited the body away and buried someone else in a new cut tomb. The Divine Spirit within Jesus had accomplished His task, the Archangelic Ruach had been perfected and it returned to heaven in triumph, but the body was laid to rest elsewhere.

So, Jesus, the Son of the Most High Ain Sof Aur, the seventh incarnation of the Archangel of the Presence, became the High Priest of Heaven, the Ruler of the Multiverse, the King of Kings.


  1. I would love to know the sources for this narrative. There is a lot here that is not commonly heard of, and I'm not sure how much is derived from revelation, conjecture, or text.

  2. Debate, my dear JB, and proof should be done with the believer, like you. Any time that you want to sit down and read the sources that I have read, I would be more than willing to point you in their direction and with certain guarantees to loan you the rare sources that I have.
