Saturday, April 10, 2010


The correct translation of Leviticus 18:22 is: You shall not lie with a boy child as with a woman. It is an abomination. The passage just before it says: You shall not let any of your seed pass through the fire of Moloch, neither will you profane the name of the Lord thy G-d in this way. I am YHVH. So the two passage together talk about child abuse and forbid them. One actually speaks of the detestable act of sacrificing your child to another g-d Moloch, more fully Ba'al Melech, the Lord King. The other speaks of the detestable act of having sex with your young male child or any young male child. We believe this law was written around 1,000 years before the new era, the Common Era.

In the Common Era, we find the Nasoreans writing this: You shall not corrupt young boys. Didache 2:2. The word in Greek is paedophilia from which we get pedophilia. These words were written sometime between 63 and 95 C.E.

Throughout, human history men have been having sex with young boys. We certainly cannot classify this as homosexuality because 1) these men are often having sex with their own sons thus they are more than capable of heterosexual acts; 2) the young boy is a victim of a more powerful person and has no choice; and 3) the person committing the act either pays for it, uses his authority to get it, or merely rapes the child. Pedophilia is an act of violence, of rape.

While we would like to blame the celibacy of the Catholic Church for the despicable acts of some of its priests, such a view is not true. While all Jews hate celibacy as being contrary to nature and denying the manhood of the men who choose it, nonetheless, the same reasons make a celibate rape a child as an active sexual person: rape, power sex, and abuse of power.

One other point must be made about pedophilia. It is pagan worship. Such acts were allowed in the pagan world and not condemned. Some would have you believe that there are no other G-ds, but such a statement is not true. The earliest first commandment forbade Hebrews from worshiping another G-d more than or placing another G-d over YHVH, but it did not forbid their worship. YHVH says that he is a jealous G-d. It is hard to be a Jealous G-d if there are no other g-ds.

Chastise these people who commit pedophilia for their rape. Punish them for their acts of abuse. But it is high time we remove the religious overtones of their acts, because freedom of religion does not extend to rape.

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