Friday, April 30, 2010


In our society, sophisticated people know that other sophisticated people do not speak the truth. It is acceptable in that stratification for people to say pleasant things to lull the unsuspecting person into believing that you want what they want. It is acceptable to make promises that one cannot keep. It is acceptable to say one thing to one person and tailor what was just said to another in a different way, that is, to spin it. Sophisticated people do not rely upon smooze or sweet talk or whatever you call it. If they want a serious answer to a serious question, they resort to writing things down and having someone sign what was said. But how would Jesus look at that and how should we look at smooze.

Matthew's Gospel reports that Jesus said, "Let your 'Yes" mean 'Yes', and your 'No' mean 'No. Anything more is from the evil one. Matthew 5:37. In the early Church, there was a sin called double-tongued. The Didache at 2:4-5 says, "You shall not be double-minded or double-tongued; for duplicity of tongue is a snare of death. Your speech shall not be false or vain, but fulfilled by deed."

Our President and Senator John McCain sparred with each other in the last election. Each made promises and statements about how they believed. Neither has done what they said and some of what they promised to do, each could have done with a proper vote or the stroke of a pen. Yet, these men are the role models for us and our children. They are some of the worse offenders of the commands of Jesus and any claim that they are not vicious and viral sinners is false. But we put up with this activity, because we do it ourselves. People who get ahead in this world must learn to smooze. You can be assured that he who is successful in people oriented professions must be double-tongued and double-minded.

But on the day of Judgment, the Lord will say to these people, I never you because you promised great things to many people and did none of them.

Let me urge my readers to reject the teachings of this world. Tell people what you really mean, and do not allow silence to be misinterpreted. Turn away from a environment of lies and seek the truth. I know a man who is convinced that he is a saint and yet he does evil every day with his mouth. It is not surprising that Ephesians calls the only offensive weapon in the armory of the Christian, the Word of G-d that will splint flesh from the bone.

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