Monday, April 18, 2011

A Covenant With All of Us

Deuteronomy 5:1-5 says: "Moses called all Israel, and said to them, 'Hear, O Israel, the statutes and the judgments which I speak in your ears today, learn them, and be careful to do them. YHVH, our G-d, cut with us a covenant at Horeb. Not with our fathers did YHVH cut this covenant, but with us, even us present here today, all of us alive. Face to face YHVH spoke with you on the mount in the midst of the fire. I stood between YHVH and you at that time, to declare to you the word of YHVH, because your were afraid from the fire of his face and did not go up the mountain."

These words form the basic theology of Israel. It is important that we make a differentiation between the descendants of Ya'akov and Israel. Only those who were present at the giving of the Torah are Israel, not those others who reject the Torah and follow their own way. Moses says that the covenant was made not with our fathers alone, but with all of us who were alive. What is meant by those words is that our souls were alive and present at the mountain. Not just our fathers were present, but every one who would ever be born and be called Israel was present at the mountain. This shocking revelation explains a difficult concept. The Jewish people have fluctuated between several million and twenty two million over the last 3,000 years. When our numbers get up, and there are no more souls to put into those who are Israel, then some of the Jews must die so that Israel might increase. There is a finite number of souls of Israel set in stone and all Israel will be saved. 

The Torah is only binding on Israel. It is not binding on those not of Israel. The reason why it is not binding is two fold: first, YHVH is our G-d and not the G-d of other nations. Each nation has its own G-d and our nation has the greatest of the Sons of the G-d El and his name is YHVH. See Deuteronomy 32:8-9 in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Israel is dispersed among the nations. There are always some of Israel who are not members of the Jewish faith, but have the blood of Israel and are destined to be saved. G-d made a covenant with the people who were at Horeb for all of eternity and that covenant was made in blood, the blood of circumcision. Only those who take upon themselves the cutting and agree to "hear" the covenant are Israel. 

This great theological statement is made clear in the discussion of the four questions during the Passover Haggadah. Only when we join in the obedience to the covenant are we part of Israel. Those who say why do you do things are putting themselves outside of Israel. Those who ask why we do things are claiming the Torah for themselves and making themselves Israel. 

Much of the so-called Jewish people today are apostates. The central heresy is the idea that sacrifice has ended. We, Nasoreans, agree with the teachings in Clement's Recognitions; the bloody sacrifice was never meant to be the sacrifice of Israel and was only given by Moses until the coming of the one like him who would change the Torah. That person was Yeshua ha Meshiach. He adopted the sacrifice of Melchizedek and restored the sacrifice of bread and wine. The apostate Jews still worry about mixing milk and meat because they are centered on the blood of animals. They pervert the words of Torah which forbids the boiling of a kid in its mother's milk into this fantastical set of laws on eating dairy with meat. There is no such concern when one does not have the bloody sacrifice abolished by Yeshua on the cross. 

The covenant with  YHVH forbids us to add to or take away from the Torah. The great danger in interpreting  either prophecy or scripture is that we will vary from the words and try to make meaning where no meaning exists. The least variation possible is the best variation. 

On this feast of Passover, it is time for the false lies of the Rabbinicals to be passed over and the truth of Nasoreanism to be adopted. Let the Archangel of the Presence, Yeshua ha Meshiach, who is YHVH himself, change your lives and become true Israelites today. 


  1. Hello!
    I would like to comment on what you wrote.

    According to the first chapters of wa-Yiqra [Levicitus], the qorbanot [sacrifices] are commanded by ha-Sheim. According to D’varim [Deuteronomy] 26 and forward the mitzwot will be for all geirim and Jews not only those at Har Sinai. We are not allowed to add mitzwot [directives] nor to remove mitzwot, and the mitzwot of the first chapters of wa-Yiqra are included in these.

    There is no abolishment of any mitzwah according to Torah – D’varim 13:1-6. The mitzwot of qorbanot are not possible to fulfil any more due to that there is no beit ha-miqdash [‘temple’]

    The Creator doesn’t change The Creator is independent of time-space. The fact that the human Pharisaic Rabbi called Y’hoshua was killed doesn’t change any of the mitzwot.

    The follower of Rabbi Y’hoshua was called the Netzarim, which was Hellenized to ‘Nazarenes’. Also Rabbi Y’hoshua was a Pharisee and those whom followed him in the first century subordinated to the beit din ha-Netzarim; and the legitimate Pharisee-heritage beit din ha-Netzarim of today is located in Ra’anana in Israel.

    Anders Branderud

  2. Actually, the Torah requires that we make a blood sacrifice (circumcision) in order to be bound by the covenant. In like manner, we can alter the covenant with G-d by paying with our own blood. Yeshua acting as Melchizedek returned changed the Torah by declaring an end to the bloody sacrifice in his once only action and restored the more ancient sacrifice of bread and wine.
