Sunday, April 17, 2011

Expenditures for Medical Care By the Government Is A Mistake

The world's population passed the one billion mark around 1750. Due to medical advances the population grew another one billion by 1950. It grew to six billion by 2000. By 2050, it will grow to ten billion. The world can only comfortably support ten billion people. However, medical advances increase life spans yearly and in the United States the average life span is 78 years. At the rate that we are going, we may reach the ten billion mark long before 2050. 

In the past, there were several natural ways to control population growth: famine, disease, and war. In an industrial society, homosexuality is a way to thin the gene pool and control population growth. However, due to the decrease in the numbers of people who die from famine, disease, and war, the population will continue to grow exponentially. 

Medicare and expenditures on medical research are funds which could be used to benefit mankind but instead are funds which are being used to maintain substandard genes in the gene pool. The cost of the sick is destroying the viability of our country. The money being used to fund medicare for the poor and medical research for the rich could be used to get people to the Moon, Mars, Mercury, the Jovian Moons, the Saturnian Moons, and the Uranian Moons. The scientific research could then be focussed on maintaining not only the survival of our species, but the improvement of the gene pool. 

Medicare expenditures are funded from the general fund and from medicare taxes. If the taxes were not taken from wages to pay for medicare, the poor would not live so long because they would not have the medical care to maintain themselves excessively. Diabetes, heart conditions, and cancer would go untreated and the number of mouths would decrease. The taxes could be used then to support space programs which would guarantee the success not only of our nation in space, but also guarantee the success of our species. 

Evolutionary theory presupposes that those with medical problems not only will die, but must die. The artificial methods we are using to keep alive the weak and sick are destructive to the species and to the world we live on. Lest someone think I am looking out for myself instead of others, let me say that I have not been able to afford medical insurance for the past 26 years and I have cancer and very high blood pressure. I can no longer afford diets as the cost of food has risen so high and I can not afford the almost $1,500 a year a doctor's diet costs.I have no thyroid.  I will probably rid the world of my useless mouth some time this year; in fact, I came close on Friday and Saturday when my blood pressure hit 174/97. I am speaking about my mother who at 87 eats up a disproportionately large amount of medical services paid for by the Veteran's Administration. I am speaking of my three sons who have serious kidney problems. Our lives are detrimental to the gene pool and they take excessive food from others. 

I am not saying that rich people cannot voluntarily give to medical research, but I am saying that they should not get a tax deduction for doing so. I am not saying that drug companies should not peddle their wares, but they will not do the medical research because the money well will dry up when medicare is not paying for their expensive drugs. I am saying that one hundred billion per year will make the United States the only space power and will guarantee that we will control the Moon, Mars, Mercury, etc. I am saying that we will be doing the work of evolution and nature by guaranteeing the continuance of the human species. 

I am betting that my point of view will be a distinct minority. Human beings think about their own self-interest first. Self-interest is part of the evolutionary plan as well. Humans will continue to pay out large amounts of money to save their loved ones, to guarantee that some genetic abnormality in their own genes will continue, to guarantee that their bleeding hearts will feel better when they concern themselves about people who cannot feed themselves a half a planet away, and to guarantee that the new, expensive drugs keep coming for fear that they may need them someday. Such a way is folly. Such a way is destruction not only of the species, but of the planet we live on. 

Many will say, Rabbi, this does not sound very loving, very religious, but Yeshua said that the poor would be with us always. Those he healed were among the 38% that the placibo effect will heal. He had no solutions for a population growth rate unhindered by serious warfare, disease, and famine. Yeshua taught us to trust in G-d and I have trusted in him for healing. I trust that G-d will take me when my time comes. I do not believe in artificially prolonging life when my death might allow the species to continue. I am concerned that we cannot move more than a few hundred thousands to the Moon, Mars, Mercury, etc. I am concerned that the population is growing at the rate of 75 million per year. When Yeshua was here, there were only 100 million on the planet and plenty of places to go if you wanted a different or better life. That is no longer possible. Now is the time when we must voluntarily decide not to keep everyone alive indefinitely. Now is the time when we must cull the genetic pool of those with genetic predispositions to serious illness, which drains our economy and redirects research away from useful areas. Now is the time to allow nature and G-d to do their work. 

Consider Kansas City. There are 25,000 people with no homes here. There are 50,000 who depend on handouts to eat. There are thousands who get medical care weekly. Think of the resources that they are taking from society. Think about the way those resources could be expended for the growth of the human species, that is, all of us. We could raise two hundred million dollars a year just from Kansas City for space research and the establishment of colonies off-planet. 

This is the time of year when we remember not only the Exodus from Egypt, but the death of a martyr. It is time when we remember freedom, even though the freedom the Jews got from leaving Egypt would not be remembered as good for at least another fifty years. The martyr told us to die for others. The Exodus taught us to make difficult, life-changing, and dangerous choices so that the future could be better. Now is the time for us to do these things. We must stop helping other countries to have more children. We must stop keeping alive those who will die without aiding society in any way. We must stop directing funds to medical research and start looking out for the future of our species. We must let people like me die. I should willing accept my fate and so should you. 

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