Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I was shocked today. I have often listened to people who complain how people were killed in our community and we have many who are killed. I heard Alvin Brooks, former Mayor Pro Tempore and long time head of the Ad Hoc Committee Against Crime (In the ghetto) and he said that we need to get guns off of the street because they killed people. As I greatly respect Alvin but do not think that he always shows logic and reason in his statements, I decided that I would try to discover if he was correct. 

I went to my son, who has a concealed carry permit, and asked if I could see his gun. He brought it out and I held it in my hand. It felt cold and lifeless. That feeling brought concern to me, but I pushed on toward my goal of trying to decide if guns killed people. I spoke distinctly and slowly in English and asked the gun whether it had ever killed someone. It did not speak to me. I asked again louder thinking it did not hear me, after all a gun makes a loud noise that can hurt hearing. Still it did not speak. I shook the gun. It did not speak. Finally, my grandson said to me," Grandpa, guns are not alive." I was shocked. It was clear that guns could not kill people because even a child knew that they were not alive. 

Having solved that problem and knowing that guns were not alive. I then sought the source of this fallacious opinion. I discovered that in all dictatorial countries, guns were not allowed. I discovered that China and Iran restrict guns to the police and to the voluntary army. I discovered that seldom are volunteer armies subject to the will of the people and that they most often follow their leaders into doing criminal and illegal acts of terror on human and animal populations. They, of course, do not like for any weapon to be in the hands of the people. I discovered that the police and sheriffs organizations in America are opposed to the populace having guns and that almost universally people fear and hate the police. I discovered that the American armed forces train young, often ignorant, poorly educated minorities and lower socially and economically deprived people to murder others if commanded by their leaders. I discovered that they were taught not to think and to obey without thought. I concluded that people, especially people who are brainwashed into murdering other people without compunction or sorrow, kill people and that their weapons have never killed anyone. 

Having resolved the question of who would teach this fallacious argumentation, I concluded that the enemy was those who held power against the will of the people and that our founding fathers intended that the people should have guns to overthrow those same authorities when they violated the will of the founding fathers. As I was then able to conclude that the police, the army, and the politicians in Washington were the source of this idea, then they must want to set aside the Second Amendment which grants me and every citizen the right to keep and bear arms. 

As my sons know, I took an oath when I became a lawyer to defend against these domestic enemies of the Constitution. I believe and hope that those of you who read my blog will want to have all of these people arrested and tried for treason. I do believe that there is no chance of rehabilitation for treasonous individuals and that they should be summarily executed when they profess their treason. I would prefer that we execute 1,000 at a time on national television during the six o'clock hour so that our children could see what happens to those who hate the Constitution. 

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