Friday, September 16, 2011

The Move to the Wilderness

I have told my readers my opinion of what will soon happen in Kansas City. The events in Paris, Berlin, London, and Philadelphia presage what will become the norm in a few months throughout the world. I have moved. I have put at the minimum 25 miles between me and the first good sized town. Fort Riley with 40,000 troops to protect me and maintain order is just 37 miles away. This little town has only 3,000 people.

What I have discovered already is a town where a man's word is his bond, where life is a little slower, where people are more friendly, and where everyone knows something about everyone else. It will be an adjustment for someone who has lived in the big city for the last 53 years of his life. However, I see the hand of G-d in what I have done. I am secure and  can pay my immediate necessities: housing, food, utilities, telephone, internet, and cable and still have a few dollars to pay on my debt. I am able to work and may soon get cases to keep my going. All in all, life is much better than a month ago.

I urge each of you to think about what you will do when order breaks down in the big city. Plan your escape.

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