Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Lost Girl

A succubus is a demon that assumes a female form to tempt men to intercourse, especially appearing in their dreams. The demon most often assumes enough materiality to be fully present to the man when he is having sex. The victim often describes a tail wrapping itself around his leg. The demon always provides a fine sexual experience and is therefore addictive and hard to break. Although the victim will claim that he has been sexually molested, he is secretly in love with the experience. During the sexual act, the demon will ingest a portion of the victim's nephesh or chi as the orientals would say and, after several of these experiences, the victim often dies. When the demon assumes a male form it is called an incubus, but there is no difference in its form or purpose for having sexual liasons. These are demons. These are evil and even though we may think that the sex is great we will die from it if we continue. 

There is a program on the CW network called The Lost Girl. Truly a double entendre, she is lost in that she does not know facts about her origin and she is lost in that she is a demon damned for all eternity. She is succubus. In this program we have witnessed her using her considerable powers to force men and women to answer questions for her and we have seen men die from her touch, her sensuality. They always die happy. Her closest associates are a human thief and a policeman who is a werewolf. Apparently, he is capable of allowing her to feed on his life force, although he does seem to have to recharge after intercourse with her, but he comes back regularly and wants more. The succubus is a private investigator and is said to be unaligned, that is,  not dark or light. Let there be no doubt, all succubi and incubi are evil. They are aligned to the Dark Side. 

The producers of this show also show a gross lack of understanding of the beings who live in the Third World, that is, the spiritual world. They call the succubus a fae and then claim that the fae also include werewolves, vampires, dwarves, demons, evil spirits, and numerous other elemental creatures. The fae are elementals. Succubi are demons. Vampires are humans without souls. Werewolves are humans under a curse. The producers of this show simply do not understand what they are dealing with. 

Werewolves are under a curse. I have found that generally the curse will allow transformation for the first five or six generations. During the seventh generation, the internal organs begin to malfunction during the transformation and the wolf begins to suffer significant physical problems. During the eighth, ninth and tenth generations of the curse, a curse that can only last for 10 generations, the person will be diagnosed with the disease called lupus. The latin word for wolf is lupus and that is why the disease is called lupus. The person when they get into the sunlight start to have their organs change, rather than in the moonlight, which is natural for the werewolf. The organs cannot complete the change and the person becomes sicker and weaker until they die. However, in the case of one of my disciples, I have found that continuous prayer and finally, an intercession to break the curse, can cure the person of the malady. 

This program has absolutely no useful or instructive information. It is dangerous and should not be view by anyone who is not an adept in spiritual matters. I strongly encourage my readers to protect their children from this program and there is good reason that it is on as late as it is. 

Do not be fooled. Our entire moral base is being challenged by repugnant shows like this one and we should be taking action against the producers who are actively working for the Dark Side. We should be boycotting the advertisers and we should be demanding that the network take the program off. 

Witches and the Secret Circle and Vampire Diaries

Wiccans and witches would have us believe that they are an innocuous alternative religion, a so-called pagan religion. The word "paganus" is a latin word meaning the common folk, often the rural folk, who stuck to popular superstition. While not denying that this is the meaning of pagan and paganism in the classic sense, one has to look at what the original pagans were like. The rural folk practiced sacrifice to a variety of nature g-ds and cursed and blessed those that they dealt with. They went to these nature g-ds seeking favor    to guarantee a good crop, an easy childbirth, a fertile calf or sheep, a fruitful human union, love, marriage, and any number of common human needs. I cannot fault the needs of these people, but I can fault the method of obtaining this favor. In the world, there is a King, a supernatural being, who maintains balance. Whether you call him Ma'at, or G-d, or Jesus, or Yeshua, or YHVH, His purpose in existence is two-fold, to become more holy and to maintain the balance until He obtains true perfection. The Wiccan method of obtaining favor is to seek to unbalance in the world. It seeks to grab, to take, to force the Balancer's hand. Nature through the seven archangels maintains balance; for every act of giving there is a taking and so the world remains in balance. 

Balance can be understood more fully if we conceive that it is a continuum and it can be even better understood if we conceive the ends of the continuum as being True Light and True Darkness. In the interaction of the Seven Archangels, three are on the Dark Side: Hallel, called the Devil; Ba'alzebul, the Demon Master; and Ashmodai with his consort Lilith, the King and Queen of Elohim who have aligned themselves with Darkness. Wicca serves Ashmodai and Lilith. Wiccans seek to serve the Elohim, the Elementals, who were thought to be g-ds in the past. They seek these elemental being's aid in their daily struggles, but these Elementals are inherently attached to darkness and to fostering imbalance. They are contrary to nature and are the opposite of what they seem. They do not support the Balancer in His quest to become perfect. They seek just the opposite, which prolongs the whole worlds separation from the True G-d. 

Wiccans can be divided into traditions, but there is no difference ultimately between the traditions. They can be better divided into those who dabble and call themselves solitaires, selling there souls for pittances,  and coven witches, who begin to understand their innate power and how union can strengthen their greed and lust.  Among some of either group, there are those who have received the Spiritual Gifts, which are neutral, and can be used as tools in their nefarious activities. Some, like my son, can aspire to priesthood in cults dedicated to the ancient elohim. Scripture prescribes death for a witch. As Wicca has successfully claimed religious status in our society, we cannot criminalize or punish those who practice Wicca and it is doubtful that the courts are the best place to judge the seriousness of a person's abilities within the Craft. 

The point and purpose of this essay is to alert everyone to the reality that we are presented. Witches are evil. They choose an evil path. They cannot progress on that path without selling their morality and often without inviting in spiritual entities to live within them, namely, demons. The gifts are not evil, but the people exercising the gifts are aligned to the Dark and are evil. We should not be confused by their evil, but acknowledge them for what they are and, I believe, protect ourselves from their nefarious activities. 

There are two television programs that are currently on the air that glorify witchcraft and are dangerous for children and even adults to watch. They are the Secret Circle, a program about a group of genetically charged power users who have aligned themselves with darkness in opposition to those who seek to do G-d's Will and destroy them, and the Vampire Diaries, a program that paints Vampires, Werewolves, and Witches in nebulous terms so that their immorality and evil is ignored or denied. 

The Secret Circle glorifies teenage crushes, sexual activity, lustful enticements, the use of magic as a game or toy, the misuse of the Divine Gifts which came to them from their bloodlines, and opposition to those who would save them from doing damage to society. The Secret Circle claims that the Witches are Good and the Witch Hunters are Bad, when in reality, just the opposite is true. No one can deny the lack of due process that happened in the period from the 12th through the 18th century when it came to witch trials, but the lack of due process does not deny the guilt of those charged and convicted and executed. We must be aware of the reversal of morality suggested by this program. It is not suitable for anyone, but those trained in spirituality, to see.

The Vampire Diaries glorifies a lust relationship between a human girl, Elena, and her vampire boyfriend, Stefan. In the program, we have seen numerous persons killed as food for these vampires. We have seen Elena's friends turned into vampires. We have seen werewolves introduced as the enemy of vampires. We have seen the murderous hunts of werewolves glorified. We have seen humans slowly coming to accept their interaction with witches, werewolves, and vampires. We have seen a claim made that Stefan and Damon, vicious and soulless vampires, are good and that their progenitures are somehow more evil than they are. We have seen Bonnie, a daughter of a voodoo queen, introduced into magic and witchcraft and seen her growing powers. We have seen the claim made that all her magic is used because she is forced into it. Any person who is familiar with the Spiritual Gifts knows that they cannot be used under duress and that duress cancels their power. Altogether, this series reverses the natural order of morality and glorifies the Dark Side to our children and grandchildren. It even draws adults with low moral awareness into its clutches. The program is not suitable for anyone, but the most spiritually adept, to see and it is difficult to watch without being drawn into sympathy with evil. 

Do not be misled. These programs, along with the others I will discuss in a later blog, are evil. We should boycott their producers, their advertisers, and their stars so that the world will understand that this immorality must cease. 

Monday, March 19, 2012


The Jewish Publication Society's Tanakh says:

 Deu 4:1  And now, O Israel, hearken unto the statutes and unto the ordinances, which I teach you, to do them; that ye may live, and go in and possess the land which the LORD, the God of your fathers, giveth you.
Deu 4:2  Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.

Jewish tradition believes that YHVH gave to Moshe the 613 mitzvot inscribed in stone and written with his own finger. In the first century, a raging battle was going on in religious circles concerning how to keep these commandments. The Zaddoki said that the Torah's words were to be left just as they were and obeyed exactly as they were stated. The Farsi (Pharisees) who had developed their philosophy in Babylon believed that there needed to be guidance given to the people so that they understood how to deal with limits and meanings within the words. The Nasoreans believed that the words should be taken as they were but that the Holy Spirit would inform the heart as to how to keep the commandments and that the Torah would then be written on our heart as a personal covenant with YHVH.

There is little doubt among scholars that the Zaddoki position represents the position of the elite and priesthood before the captivity. There is also little doubt that the Nasorean position represented the position of the ha am ha aretz, the common people, who  were too poor to be deported by Nebuchanezzer. When the elite returned from Babylon, they brought a different religion, a religion informed by Zoroastrianism and changed irreversibly. The relationship between Israel to Babylon continued long after the Persian Empire was replaced by the Greeks and eventually the Romans.

There were certain ideas which became hallmarks of the Farsi or Persian position.  First, circumcision. The idea of the separation of milk and meat. The tradition of not pronouncing the name of G-d. The introduction of tassels on every cloak and robe came with them. The idea of immersion regularly. Finally, the principle of being a hedge around the Torah to inform the people on the limits and duties concerning each mitzvah.

The Farsi came up with the idea of an Oral Tradition that went back to Moshe and which informed the Jew on every aspect of his life. There is no evidence in the Writings or the Prophets that they had any idea of an Oral Tradition or Law. It was entirely invented by the Farsi. In fact, the idea of an oral tradition is the direct antithesis of Deuteronomy 4:2. The teachings of the Farsi on how, when, where and what limits is in fact an addition to the commandment itself.

So, how do we become informed about when the Sabbath begins, when the New Year begins, when meat no longer has blood in it, etc. It is Jewish tradition, based upon Exodus 13:8, that every Jew was present at the first Passover and every Jew was present at the giving of the Torah when Moshe brought the tablets down from the top of the mountain. We are the chosen of YHVH, his separate people. See Deuteronomy 32:9. We heard the Voice of G-d, all of us, before the event at Sinai. But at Sinai, YHVH's Voice was so loud and challenging that we begged YHVH not to speak to us again. Deuteronomy 4:11-12; Exodus 20:19. We promised that we would listen to Moshe and the prophets after him. All of this happened on the first Shavuot feast that we celebrated as a people. However, after Yeshua left us and went to heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to inform us. It happened on Shavuot again, just as before. There the Holy Spirit descended on the 120 gathered in the Upper Room and they again could hear the Voice loudly as they had before, for each of them was present the first time at Sinai and now their request that the Voice no longer speak to them was reversed. Now, we would be informed about how to keep the mitzvot directly by the Holy Spirit and each of us would understand it for himself or herself, writing it on our hearts.

The great fear of the Farsi was and is that every man cannot understand the deep things of Scripture without careful study. That is true. However, not every mitzvah has the same importance for each Jew as another. For instance, the laws relating to the priesthood has little importance to a member of another tribe. The laws related to the land of Israel have a completely different importance to people who live outside the land of Israel. I have found that the Holy Spirit informs me about how She wants me to keep the Torah and so also She will inform you. Further, as we walk on our spiritual path, we find ourselves drawn deeper and deeper into the mitzvot and deeper and deeper into our commitment to YHVH who came as Yeshua ha Meshiach. I am worried when I kill a gnat and I use to be worried only when I intentionally harmed a human. My understanding of "Thou shalt not murder" is greatly increased, because a tzaddik respects his beast. Proverbs 12:10.

In closing, let us remember that we are all called to walk the path through the Gate which is Yeshua. John 1:51. We are called to ascend Ya'akov's ladder. We are all called to become first Friends of G-d, then Servants of G-d and lastly Slaves of G-d. We are called to become Tzaddikkim. The Torah's burden becomes greater the farther you travel even though it feels lighter. It feels lighter because you have already strengthened your spiritual muscles and your muscles carry your burden more easily. Keep the commandments.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Spiritual Body

In the so-called Patio Tomb, there were several etchings on ossuaries that indicated that the occupants of the tomb believed in resurrection. I am not going to go into those issues because they have been fully dealt with in The Jesus Discovery by Professors James Tabor and Simcha Jacobovici. I want rather to deal with the question of what kind of body will be resurrected.

The Nicene Creed says in part: "And I believe in the resurrection of the body and the life of the world to come." This doctrine, the resurrection of the body, is the issue that is brought into question by the finds in Talpiot, Israel.

Mark's original gospel ends with the statement: "But go and tell his disciples and Peter, 'He is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him, as he told you.' Then they went out and fled from the tomb, seized with trembling and bewilderment. They said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid. Mark 16:7-8. Most scholars agree that neither the Longer Ending nor the Freer Logion were part of the original gospel of Mark. So Mark does not tell us about the resurrection, only that the body is gone.

On the other hand, John tells us about that morning in greater but different detail. As John was the last gospel to be written, but was not written by a Pauline source, we find something else recorded there. John says that Mary of Magdala come to the tomb in the morning, while it was still dark, and found the stone removed. She told Peter and the Beloved Disciple. They saw the burial shroud. They left but Mary Magdalene stayed outside of the tomb. She saw angels in the tomb and when she turned around, she saw someone whom she did not know. John 20:14. Then, Yeshua revealed Himself to her by saying her name. She recognized him and started to touch him. He told her not to touch Him because he had not yet ascended. John 20:17. From this rendition of the story we learn that Mary saw Yeshua, but did not recognize Him. She tried to touch Him, but he indicated that a process was still ongoing and that she should not touch Him at that moment.

According to Luke, a similar problem happened to Yeshua's uncle, Cleophas, and friend. They were walking to Emmaus which is seven miles from the Old City. Yeshua meets them, but they do not recognize Him. He walks with them some distance, but it is only in the act of breaking the bread that Cleophas and his friend recognize Yeshua. Clearly, Yeshua has "ascended", whatever that means, at the time he walks with Cleophas and again like in the case of Mary, it  is an act they were all familiar with which reveals to their eyes and hearts who he is.

Again, in John 21, Yeshua meets with a number of the Apostles and they do not recognize Him until he shows them a sign. Matthew records the same event and in it, even after the sign, some doubted that it was Him.

The issue of what is resurrected must have been an important question in the earliest days and it remains so today. Paul speaks at length about this subject in 1 Corinthians 15. He says:

But someone may say, 'How are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come back?' 15:35.

Paul then argues that the current body can not return any more than a plant when it sprouts continues to have the seed casing as a body. He says that there are heavenly or spiritual bodies and earthly bodies. 15:40. He says that the dead body is a natural body, but is raised a spiritual body. 15:44.

The Paul says: 'Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of G-d ..." 15:50. We shall all be changed. 15:51.
So Paul emphatically denies a bodily resurrection.

Those who oppose the Resurrection and the Ascension doubt the possibility of ghosts, demons, angels, and elementals as well. They have insufficient knowledge of a world that they have never touched or seen a part of. They doubt the possibility of resurrection, not on any rational basis, but on the claim that they have never seen such an event. None of them has ever seen wind, nor seen electrons, nor seen atoms. Yet they believe in each of these things.

On the other hand, those who blindly believe in the resurrection of the body, not only deny the Talpiot Tomb, but in addition claim that a Great G-d can surely find the atoms to put together a physical body for each person.

I have for the past 40 years had a different experience. I have dealt with demons, elementals, angels, and ghosts. I have seen angels when they were in their full form or visible form. I have talked to them and drank with them. I have witnessed their sudden disappearance. I do not doubt their existence. I have talked to them and interacted with them and they are as real to me as you are.

Their bodies are adjusted to what we need to see when they reveal themselves. However, the spiritual body is like their bodies. It is handsome. It is beautiful. It is young looking even if mature. It is worn with dignity and honor. When Yeshua was raised, it was not a physical body which was raised. His bones have been found and unfortunately discarded by the Israeli Antiquities Authority, much to the delight of the Jews, the Catholics, the Protestants, the Muslims and all others. The scientists did them a favor. However, He lives on.

The record of reports indicates that he is muscular, male, able to walk, able to eat, able to walk through walls, able to travel long distances, able to talk and communicate, and charismatic. In the reports, this spiritual body of Yeshua ate, drank, walked, talked, and held the attention of the various groups of disciples. He traveled several hundred miles north from Jerusalem to Galilee. However, he did not look like Yeshua. Those who knew Yeshua recognized this person as Yeshua by acts that he did, not by his visage. As Paul says, we shall all be changed and Yeshua was changed before he ascended.

The Nasorean Orthodox Qahal is inviting the Arian Catholic Church and any other Arian, Adoptionist, or Nazarene groups to participate in a conference on the subject of the plank in the Nicene Creed on bodily resurrection. The Arian Catholic Church has accepted. More information will be forthcoming.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Major Updates on Resurrection

All of you should read my post of April 24, 2011. I want to make some major updates on this controversy. On Monday, March 5, 2012, Professors James Tabor and Simcha Jacobovici will present a new book to the public, The Jesus Discovery. I have read it. It is well written and honest.

The book tells the story of a second tomb, found 200 feet away from the first Talpiot tomb, the one called the Garden or Jesus Family Tomb. This tomb was apparently built by the owner of an rich estate. It is well decorated, great care was taken in constructing it, the ossuaries are well made and filled with bones, and except for an initial survey in 1981, this tomb is undisturbed. The ossuary that takes precedence, the first one in the door, is filled with bones. It has a picture of the Great Fish and Jonah, the Prophet, coming out of the fish's mouth. The scholars agree that this picture is an allusion to the statement of Yeshua that his great sign would be the "Sign of Jonah."  The sign of Jonah is an allusion to Resurrection. This picture is the first of many Christian icons depicting the coming of Jonah out of the mouth of the Great Fish, Leviathan. The picture makes Resurrection a central issue for the earliest Christians, that is, the Jerusalem Church prior to the death of James in 62 C.E. It speaks louder than a thousand words. A second inscription in Greek is on another ossuary which alludes to the Divine YHVH raising some one up. Using the name of G-d on an ossuary would have been a heretical act.

The book adds new information on Mary Magdalene. Mariamene Mara was not the sister or mother of the person named Yeshua bar Yotzef. Tradition would say that the only other person, except blood relatives, that would be buried in the family tomb would be a wife. The evidence points to Mariamene the Lady being the wife of Yeshua ben Yotzef.

The book adds new information on the James Ossuary. Shimon Gibson says that there were 10 ossuaries in the Jesus Tomb when he saw it in 1980. The Israel Antiquities Authority has lost one of the ossuaries. He argues that there may have been an eleventh ossuary. The evidence on the James Ossuary shows 1) that it came from the Jesus Family Tomb, 2)  that it probably was open to weathering for 200 hundred years,  and 3) it was not a forgery. With this additional evidence, the likelihood that this is the Jesus Family Tomb is virtually certain. Certainly, the likelihood is well beyond a reasonable doubt.

The bones of Yeshua were in the ossuary and have been tested.

From this evidence, we can conclude that the man in the ossuary was not bodily resurrected. We can conclude that he was married and had a son who died prior to 70 C.E. We can conclude that the other persons buried in the Tomb were the family of Yeshua, including his mother, Mary, his brother Yoseh (Joses), and his cousin, Matya or Matthew Alphaeus.

It is inconceivable that the person in the Patio tomb would have come to believe in a bodily resurrection for Yeshua and himself from the events surrounding the death of Yeshua. It is also inconceivable that the picture, hand-drawn on the ossuary, in contradiction to the commandment against graven images, would have been placed there had the person not believed that some remarkable event had occurred to Yeshua. We can therefore eliminate the idea of a bodily resurrection from the discussion. The third idea, that Yeshua did not die, and that some one else did, can be eliminated because it would have been insufficient to cause Joseph of Arimathea to violate the commandment and engrave the picture on the ossuary. That leaves a reasonable person with the second possibility.

We can conclude that there was a spiritual resurrection. We can conclude that Yeshua had gotten the body of an Angel. We can conclude that the Angel Yeshua appeared for 50 days before he went up to heaven. This belief is consistent with the early church's belief that Yeshua was an Archangel or the Nasorean belief that He is the Archangel of the Presence, Metatron. This teaching does not change the meaning of the Nicene Creed on resurrection nor does it solve the question of what really happened, but it does prove that the Resurrection is a in a changed body, a spiritual body, a body like an angel or an elemental.

Now, while I cannot speak for the Sanhedrin, I can say that I support the idea of a spiritual body and a spiritual resurrection and declare that such a belief is within the realms of orthodox belief for the Nasorean Orthodox Qahal.