Saturday, March 31, 2012

Witches and the Secret Circle and Vampire Diaries

Wiccans and witches would have us believe that they are an innocuous alternative religion, a so-called pagan religion. The word "paganus" is a latin word meaning the common folk, often the rural folk, who stuck to popular superstition. While not denying that this is the meaning of pagan and paganism in the classic sense, one has to look at what the original pagans were like. The rural folk practiced sacrifice to a variety of nature g-ds and cursed and blessed those that they dealt with. They went to these nature g-ds seeking favor    to guarantee a good crop, an easy childbirth, a fertile calf or sheep, a fruitful human union, love, marriage, and any number of common human needs. I cannot fault the needs of these people, but I can fault the method of obtaining this favor. In the world, there is a King, a supernatural being, who maintains balance. Whether you call him Ma'at, or G-d, or Jesus, or Yeshua, or YHVH, His purpose in existence is two-fold, to become more holy and to maintain the balance until He obtains true perfection. The Wiccan method of obtaining favor is to seek to unbalance in the world. It seeks to grab, to take, to force the Balancer's hand. Nature through the seven archangels maintains balance; for every act of giving there is a taking and so the world remains in balance. 

Balance can be understood more fully if we conceive that it is a continuum and it can be even better understood if we conceive the ends of the continuum as being True Light and True Darkness. In the interaction of the Seven Archangels, three are on the Dark Side: Hallel, called the Devil; Ba'alzebul, the Demon Master; and Ashmodai with his consort Lilith, the King and Queen of Elohim who have aligned themselves with Darkness. Wicca serves Ashmodai and Lilith. Wiccans seek to serve the Elohim, the Elementals, who were thought to be g-ds in the past. They seek these elemental being's aid in their daily struggles, but these Elementals are inherently attached to darkness and to fostering imbalance. They are contrary to nature and are the opposite of what they seem. They do not support the Balancer in His quest to become perfect. They seek just the opposite, which prolongs the whole worlds separation from the True G-d. 

Wiccans can be divided into traditions, but there is no difference ultimately between the traditions. They can be better divided into those who dabble and call themselves solitaires, selling there souls for pittances,  and coven witches, who begin to understand their innate power and how union can strengthen their greed and lust.  Among some of either group, there are those who have received the Spiritual Gifts, which are neutral, and can be used as tools in their nefarious activities. Some, like my son, can aspire to priesthood in cults dedicated to the ancient elohim. Scripture prescribes death for a witch. As Wicca has successfully claimed religious status in our society, we cannot criminalize or punish those who practice Wicca and it is doubtful that the courts are the best place to judge the seriousness of a person's abilities within the Craft. 

The point and purpose of this essay is to alert everyone to the reality that we are presented. Witches are evil. They choose an evil path. They cannot progress on that path without selling their morality and often without inviting in spiritual entities to live within them, namely, demons. The gifts are not evil, but the people exercising the gifts are aligned to the Dark and are evil. We should not be confused by their evil, but acknowledge them for what they are and, I believe, protect ourselves from their nefarious activities. 

There are two television programs that are currently on the air that glorify witchcraft and are dangerous for children and even adults to watch. They are the Secret Circle, a program about a group of genetically charged power users who have aligned themselves with darkness in opposition to those who seek to do G-d's Will and destroy them, and the Vampire Diaries, a program that paints Vampires, Werewolves, and Witches in nebulous terms so that their immorality and evil is ignored or denied. 

The Secret Circle glorifies teenage crushes, sexual activity, lustful enticements, the use of magic as a game or toy, the misuse of the Divine Gifts which came to them from their bloodlines, and opposition to those who would save them from doing damage to society. The Secret Circle claims that the Witches are Good and the Witch Hunters are Bad, when in reality, just the opposite is true. No one can deny the lack of due process that happened in the period from the 12th through the 18th century when it came to witch trials, but the lack of due process does not deny the guilt of those charged and convicted and executed. We must be aware of the reversal of morality suggested by this program. It is not suitable for anyone, but those trained in spirituality, to see.

The Vampire Diaries glorifies a lust relationship between a human girl, Elena, and her vampire boyfriend, Stefan. In the program, we have seen numerous persons killed as food for these vampires. We have seen Elena's friends turned into vampires. We have seen werewolves introduced as the enemy of vampires. We have seen the murderous hunts of werewolves glorified. We have seen humans slowly coming to accept their interaction with witches, werewolves, and vampires. We have seen a claim made that Stefan and Damon, vicious and soulless vampires, are good and that their progenitures are somehow more evil than they are. We have seen Bonnie, a daughter of a voodoo queen, introduced into magic and witchcraft and seen her growing powers. We have seen the claim made that all her magic is used because she is forced into it. Any person who is familiar with the Spiritual Gifts knows that they cannot be used under duress and that duress cancels their power. Altogether, this series reverses the natural order of morality and glorifies the Dark Side to our children and grandchildren. It even draws adults with low moral awareness into its clutches. The program is not suitable for anyone, but the most spiritually adept, to see and it is difficult to watch without being drawn into sympathy with evil. 

Do not be misled. These programs, along with the others I will discuss in a later blog, are evil. We should boycott their producers, their advertisers, and their stars so that the world will understand that this immorality must cease. 


  1. Re: evil witches:
    I'd love to have a bucket of popcorn, and liquor to share, and watch you and your oldest son argue about this subject. From my experience, your son can be a bit of an ass at times, but I wouldn't call him evil. I think we can also both rejoice that we don't kill witches anymore, as that'd be rather difficult for your granddaughter to handle.

    Re: some of the occult details:
    Elementals = Elohim?
    I'm no Hebrew scholar, but I thought Elohim translated roughly as "we the gods" - I always thought of it as the group of gods that YHVH came from before he started trying to convince his followers that he was top dog.

    Ashmodai and "his consort" Lilith being the gods of Wicca?
    Well, firstly, seeing as its almost universal in Wicca to elevate the Goddess above the God, wouldn't this would be Lilith and her consort Ashmodai? Setting this aside, I've never met a witch that works with Ashmodai, and I know lots of them. Lilith, sure, but almost always by herself (especially in the Dianic community, where I've seen her most often) rather than part of some sort of pair bond.

    Where do you get this stuff?

    Re: the TV shows:

    I think we both agree that these shows are crap. I consider them to be more annoying than dangerous, but still...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am hesitant to respond to this. It feels like such a trap, but I can't sit silent on this.

    I am astonished that you would be so careless when speaking of someone else's mysteries, especially those of people you purportedly care about.

    IF I was to blog or speak publicly about your spirituality, I would first speak with you about it to make sure I had my facts straight, and second I would do my best to avoid sweeping moral judgments.

    But honestly, I probably wouldn't be so discourteous as to drag your spirituality out into public. (Although I have toyed with the idea of a fictionalized version of your son's childhood as a novel a la Runs with Scissors. Even so, I would probably be more courteous about your mysteries than you have been above.)

    I am annoyed that you are putting forth your opinions about my spiritual path as facts. I am annoyed at the level of research you've done about it before writing about it as if you were an authority. I know you research your own path with more care and diligence.

    Honestly, if you were my father, it would be a long time after reading this before I could speak to you with any warmth or sincerity. While your son has not implied as much, I hope you haven't done irreparable damage to your relationship after you've both worked so hard to put your past behind you and build a new one.

    This was not ok, Barry.

  4. I will not respond to my daughter-in-law in public. The public can judge whether she responded to what I have written.
