Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Lost Girl

A succubus is a demon that assumes a female form to tempt men to intercourse, especially appearing in their dreams. The demon most often assumes enough materiality to be fully present to the man when he is having sex. The victim often describes a tail wrapping itself around his leg. The demon always provides a fine sexual experience and is therefore addictive and hard to break. Although the victim will claim that he has been sexually molested, he is secretly in love with the experience. During the sexual act, the demon will ingest a portion of the victim's nephesh or chi as the orientals would say and, after several of these experiences, the victim often dies. When the demon assumes a male form it is called an incubus, but there is no difference in its form or purpose for having sexual liasons. These are demons. These are evil and even though we may think that the sex is great we will die from it if we continue. 

There is a program on the CW network called The Lost Girl. Truly a double entendre, she is lost in that she does not know facts about her origin and she is lost in that she is a demon damned for all eternity. She is succubus. In this program we have witnessed her using her considerable powers to force men and women to answer questions for her and we have seen men die from her touch, her sensuality. They always die happy. Her closest associates are a human thief and a policeman who is a werewolf. Apparently, he is capable of allowing her to feed on his life force, although he does seem to have to recharge after intercourse with her, but he comes back regularly and wants more. The succubus is a private investigator and is said to be unaligned, that is,  not dark or light. Let there be no doubt, all succubi and incubi are evil. They are aligned to the Dark Side. 

The producers of this show also show a gross lack of understanding of the beings who live in the Third World, that is, the spiritual world. They call the succubus a fae and then claim that the fae also include werewolves, vampires, dwarves, demons, evil spirits, and numerous other elemental creatures. The fae are elementals. Succubi are demons. Vampires are humans without souls. Werewolves are humans under a curse. The producers of this show simply do not understand what they are dealing with. 

Werewolves are under a curse. I have found that generally the curse will allow transformation for the first five or six generations. During the seventh generation, the internal organs begin to malfunction during the transformation and the wolf begins to suffer significant physical problems. During the eighth, ninth and tenth generations of the curse, a curse that can only last for 10 generations, the person will be diagnosed with the disease called lupus. The latin word for wolf is lupus and that is why the disease is called lupus. The person when they get into the sunlight start to have their organs change, rather than in the moonlight, which is natural for the werewolf. The organs cannot complete the change and the person becomes sicker and weaker until they die. However, in the case of one of my disciples, I have found that continuous prayer and finally, an intercession to break the curse, can cure the person of the malady. 

This program has absolutely no useful or instructive information. It is dangerous and should not be view by anyone who is not an adept in spiritual matters. I strongly encourage my readers to protect their children from this program and there is good reason that it is on as late as it is. 

Do not be fooled. Our entire moral base is being challenged by repugnant shows like this one and we should be taking action against the producers who are actively working for the Dark Side. We should be boycotting the advertisers and we should be demanding that the network take the program off. 

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