Sunday, November 1, 2009

Messiahs: Enoch

The word Meshiach or in English, Messiah, means anointed. In ancient times, the High Priest and the King were anointed with oil and that act consecrated them to the YHVH. However, when people use the term Messiah, they do not mean a consecrated person; they mean a savior who seems divine in the use of the gifts that he or she has received. In this blog, I want to talk about some persons we know for sure were Messiahs.

Genesis describes the first Messiah in these words: "When Jared was one hundred and sixty two years old, he became the father of Enoch.... When Enoch was sixty-five years old he became the father of Methuselah. Enoch lived three hundred years after the birth of Methuselah, and he had other sons and daughters. The whole lifetime of Enoch was three hundred and sixty five years. Then Enoch walked with G-d and he was no longer here for G-d took him." 5:18,21-23. It is the Messiah Enoch that becomes the central ancient figure of the Essenes, far above Moses, and he is the source of their inspiration. Because the Nasorean Sect which eventually became the Jerusalem Church came from the Essenes, it is only reasonable to assume that Enoch had a great influence on the original followers of Jesus.

Rabbi Morris B. Margolies in his book A Gathering of Angels says:

The angel Metatron plays a very important role in the Pseudepigrapha, the Talmud, and, especially, the Zohar, masterwork of the Kabbalah. In the Hebrew Book of Enoch, Enoch becomes Metatron as soon as he, Enoch, is translated live into heaven. In that work, Enoch describes the transformation of his earthly body into a fiery flame.

Shortly after Enoch-Metatron's arrival in heaven he is assigned one of the central roles within the gathering of angels. His tasks are varied: he ministers to the Throne of Glory where G-d Himself is ensconced; he is the High Priest of the heavenly Temple; he is in charge of the guardian angels assigned to the metaphorical "seventy peoples of the world"; he is the minister of wisdom who also holds the keys to the mysteries of all matters divine....

Ironically, in a later Zoharic work, the Tikkunei Zohar, Metatron is identified as the biblical "tree of knowledge of good and bad." There the idea is developed that in Metatron are combined both human and angelic perfection. This unique situation renders Metatron supremely qualified to mediate between the human and divine...." pg. 81-82.

Thus we learn that Enoch-Metatron is the Archangel of the Presence. Now Exodus describes this Archangel in the following way: "See, I am sending an Angel before you, to guard you on the Way and bring you to the Place I have prepared. Be attentive to Him and heed His Voice. Do not rebel against Him, for He will not forgive your sin. My Name resides in Him." Exodus 23:20-21. We know that the Name is the very power of G-d. Thus this Archangel, part Man and part Angel, is the Viceroy of G-d in this Multiverse with the full power of G-d Himself. We learn that he can forgive sins. He has a Voice that we can hear. Very literally, Enoch was the Son of the Most High, a Savior of Mankind, the living Tree of Good and Evil. When it says in scripture, G-d's hand did this, G-d's wrath went out, G-d did anything, it really means that Enoch-Metatron did it. Now, Zohar goes further. It tells us that Enoch-Metatron is in fact YHVH.

This truth clarifies a number of great problems that the Judaeo-Christian-Muslim theology have had to deal with. First, G-d is not here. He is elsewhere. He has a Viceroy. That Viceroy has the fullness of authority upon him. He can forgive and he can exalt. G-d who is infinite spirit has a viceroy that acts in this Multiverse, who is not all powerful, not all good, not all knowing, but He is One, the G-d of the Hebrews. Evil exists because the world is not yet perfected. Evil exists because we have the wrong definition of life and of evil.

Enoch united the spark of the Divine with Humanity. Humanity needs is to give. The Archangel must be a giver. He provides the Divine Light to this Multiverse through his Mediatorial role. As the unique Son of the Most High, He represents the fullness of the Divine on Earth. He has been incarnated seven times. In the case of one of the additional Messiahs, the last, He Enoch-Metatron, the Archangel of the Presence, deigned to produce in a normal way. He descended and overshadowed a young woman named Merriam and they had a child and his name embodies the Highest of Ideals, YHVH Saves, Yeshua. He literally was Emmanuel, for the Divine Nature was again incarnated into a Man of extraordinary Holiness.

I will continue this series of blogs with the remaining six Messiahs over the next few days.

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