Saturday, November 21, 2009

Messiahs: Joshua

The name YshV is extremely important in Messianic history. Three of the Meshiachot were named YshV -- Joshua bar Nun, Jeshua ha Cohen, and Jeshua ha Nazara. The name means literally "G-d's Salvation. Each of these three bore the incarnation of the Archangel in particular ways related to their name.

Joshua son of Nun was the Aide-de-Camp of Moses. Moses was denied the right to enter into the Chosen Land because of striking the rock twice. Aaron and Meryiam died before the Hebrew people arrived at the River Jordan. It was left to Joshua to finish the task of leading the people into the Chosen Land.

The Archangel had personally led the people for it says in Exodus 13:29 that the Column of Smoke and the Column of Fire first appeared at the City of Sukkoth. Also see Exodus 23:20. He led the people all the way through the 40 years until they reached the River Jordan, but at the River Jordan the Archangel's power and spirit descended into a new body, that of Joshua bar Nun. The first act of the Divine Presence and of the certainty that the Name rested upon Joshua was the crossing when the waters of the Jordan flowed backwards so the huge host could cross the River. At this time the Jordan flowed much deeper than now. The Archangel commanded that his Footstool would proceed him into the land that He had claimed among all the lands of Earth. Thus the Ark of the Covenant proceeded the Archangel Joshua into the Chosen Land. Joshua 3:11.

The Archangel Joshua understood that he must defeat the city of Jericho in order to be safe in the Land. Jericho is the oldest city on earth at 7,500 years of habitation and so it represented everything hateful to G-d who was a migrant with no fixed home. He commanded that the city come over to him, but when it would not the Archangel Joshua commanded that his Footstool be carried around the city again and again until finally the Divine Will destroyed the walls of the city and put it to the sword. Psalm 99:5; Psalm 110:1. Thus the Archangel Joshua was the Divine Will incarnate.

The Archangel Joshua then proceeded to capture the land of Cana'an and make it into the Holy Land of the Lord. Everywhere that he went the enemy fell for as G-d had promised He was with the Hebrews in the very person of the Archangel Joshua. Joshua 1:5.

The mighty Archangel was fighting the Amorite Kings at Gibeon and even the High Priest Adonizedek of Jerusalem was with them. The Amorite kings and their hosts were defeated not only by the forces under the Archangel Joshua but also he commanded that hailstones would fall from the sky (Joshua 10:11) and that the sun and moon would not move until he had completed his defeat of the cities of the Amorites. (Joshua 10:13). The Book of Joshua goes further when it says: "Never before or since was there a day like this, when YHVH obeyed the Voice of a Man; for YHVH fought for Israel." Joshua 10:14. The reason that the Sun and Moon stood still was in fact that YHVH was present in the Man Joshua with the fullness of His authority present in the Man for He was the Archangel of the Presence incarnated again.

Lastly, the Archangel Joshua made the Hebrew children into Israelites by circumcising them and commanding them to obey the Law of Moses. Joshua was truly G-d's Salvation for the Children of Israel were led on the Path to the Promised Land by the Archangel incarnate.

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