Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Messiahs: Melchizedek

Melchizedek, we are taught in the Hebrew Enoch (3 Enoch) ,was the nephew of Noach. He was born already two years in age in bodily stature. Shortly after his birth, he was taken back to heaven where he waited 1,000 years for his appearance on Earth. When he returned to Earth, this remarkable person, was already an adult in size and wisdom. He was the third incarnation of the Archangel of the Presence, alternately called Metatron or YHVH.

Melchizedek's name means Righteous King and in fact he was the Righteous King of Salem, the town that eventually became Jerusalem. He was also the High Priest of the G-d El known in Salem as Elyon, the Most High. Among his congregants was Abraham, Yitzak, and Ya'akov, the biblical Patriarchs.

The Christian writing, the Epistle to the Hebrews, glorifies Melchizedek as the perfect High Priest, who was a antetype of the Messiah Yeshua, but the Nasoreans had a considerably more exalted view of this Priest-King. In the book called The Coming of Melchizedek (11Q13), the Nasoreans say that the provisions of Leviticus 25:13 proclaiming the year of Jubilee speaks of the remission of all claims against one's neighbor. They say that also means that G-d will remit his claims for sins against each of us. They claim that the passage so often spoken of in Isaiah 61:1 which promises a Jubilee to captives really refers to the return of Melchizedek "who will return them to what is rightfully theirs. He will proclaim to them the Jubilee, thereby releasing them from the debt of all their sins." Isaiah calls the person who makes this proclamation, Messiah, and so we know that a Messiah will perform this act. The book goes on to say that Messiah Melchizedek will establish a righteous kingdom on earth quoting Psalm 82 where it says: "YHVH will arise in the Council of the Elohim; in the midst of the Angelic Council he holds judgment." Again the Psalms say: "Over it, YHVH, take your seat in the Highest Heaven; YHVH will judge the peoples." Psalm 7:7-8. It is clear from the book that Melchizedek and YHVH are equated as being the same person. The book describes Melchizedek as a warring angel prosecuting vengeance against the rebel angels and freeing the captives of Satan, herein called Belial, from his grasp.

The book further says that Isaiah 52:7 applies to Melchizedek's return in which the Angel of G-d will proclaim peace, bring good news, announce salvation, and say to Zion that in his return YHVH reigns on Earth.

The Nasoreans had another book referring to the Messiah Melchizedek. It is called the Messianic Apocryphon (4Q521). This book says of Melchizedek: "the heavens and the earth will listen to His Messiah, and none therein will stray from the commandments of the Angels. Seekers of the Lord, strengthen yourselves in His service! All you hopeful in (your) heart, will you find the Lord in this? For the Lord will consider the Hasidim and call the Tzaddikkim by name. Over the Ebion His Spirit will hover and will renew the faithful with His Power. And he will glorify the pious on the Throne of the Eternal Kingdom. He will liberate the Captives, restore Sight to the Blind, straighten the crippled... He will heal the wounded, and revive the dead and bring good news to the poor." Vermes, The Complete Dead Sea Scolls, pg. 391-392.

So we see that Melchizedek who came from no where and returned to no where, with no father and no mother, was in fact the incarnation of the Archangel Metatron. When Yeshua went into the desert after the death of John the Baptist, the Archangel Gavriel spoke to him and convinced him that he was the Priest-King Melchizedek returned and that he would do these things. One half of the Nasoreans believed in his message and the other half followed the successors of John the Baptist into exile in Mesopotamia where they still are and are called the Mandaeans.

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