Saturday, February 13, 2010

Beings That Possess Us

There are four kinds of beings that can infest a human body or its nephesh or breath of life. They are demons, spirits, ghosts, and other souls. I give you my understanding from 38 years as an exorcist.

Demons are the disembodied souls of intelligent beings who have previously been embodied somewhere at some time. It is not clear from my encounters when these beings were embodied and why they are not now. There is a substantial theory that argues that prior to this world there was another civilization. That theory is supported by Ecclesiastes 1:9-11. It is additionally supported by the early Christian fathers. It says that G-d made the world perfect in every way. Then a war broke out between the forces of order and the forces of chaos. The forces of chaos destroyed the Earth and all that were in it. Then G-d moved on the face of the chaos and brought order to the chaos and created the world we now live in. The theory says that in this previous world there were bad people. They were consigned to the realm of the Archangel Ba’alzebul, the Lord of Demons. They desire more than anything else to be able to feel, taste, touch, hear, and smell again. They cannot on their own. So they inhabit a human body or that of a higher animal so that they can regain the senses that they have lost.

Demons can bedevil a person, can obsess a person, or can possess a person. Any person may be bedeviled. The demons will constantly act like flies trying to lead a person astray, but for the most part the person will resist and not be misled by them. The person will gain greatly in character from these encounters and will become saintly. However, if the demons can persuade the person even once it opens a door to let them in.

Obsession is the act of demons actually surrounding a person’s soul and constantly presenting evil possibilities to them. The obsession will make the person feel he or she is being spoken to and the voices will suggest a pattern or practice contrary to what that person knows to be righteous and good. The person is being attacked. They will give in some times. But they will feel guilty and take actions, which will fend off the demon and stop it from taking full control of their life. These demons do live inside of us. As the demons gain more and more sway in a person’s life, the situation moves from obsession to possession.

A person who is possessed by demons is always possessed by more than one. There is always at least one root demon whose area of sinfulness is something that the person cannot or will not give up. The root demons slowly move in more demons that take up residence and control larger areas of a person’s life. The ultimate goal of the demons in a possession case is to get the person to commit suicide, which will damn the soul to the same situation as that of the demons themselves.

Because the Western Tradition no longer looks with favor on people who believe in demons, there is little done to protect the person in industrialized societies from the influence of demons and as a result ninety per cent of all persons in industrialized societies are obsessed or possessed. The ancient practices that kept demons out of the home and away from the person are no longer practiced because they have been condemned as superstitious. Demons have strongly supported the growth of rationalism because it has allowed them to be transformed into mental illnesses that can be treated and never cured. It guarantees that the demons can cause the maximum amount of pain and suffering with minimal concern for discovery.

Spirits are considerably stronger than demons. They are immortal beings that have from the beginning taken an alignment in the continuing war for or against chaos. Those aligned to chaos and evil are commandoes in the war. They do not bedevil or obsess a person. If they got into a person, they take full control of the senses, the body and the mind. Such a possession is powerful and often leaves the person a willing co-participant in massive acts of evil. These spirits can only be exorcised at great cost to the exorcist and require a holy man or woman to battle them for control.

Ghosts that go into a body are generally confused and feel trapped. They are trying to escape this plane and do not know how. They are often ancient beings, not modern ghosts and have been stuck here on this plane for a long time. Exorcism of these ghosts should be done with the utmost kindness and respect and the ghost should always be encouraged to go to the Light. These possessions are very serious because the same confusion that encompasses the ghosts will also encompass the host. Ghosts do not mean to harm the host.

The last category of possession is soul-melding. This occurs when an ancient soul is forced or requested by the Divine to intervene in the modern world. They generally feel a strong affinity to the soul that they meld with and their purpose is to create a powerful force against evil and for the good. This kind of possession may well characterize some of the most noteworthy cases of channeling that have occurred including Edgar Cayce and Ras.

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