Monday, February 8, 2010

Does G-d Love Gentiles?

As I have written in my last blog, the House of Jacob (Ya’akov) was the peculiar inheritance of YHVH. I have earlier said that Yeshua (Jesus) was the seventh and most perfect of the incarnations of the Archangel YHVH, the Archangel of the Presence. The promises made in the Hebrew writings were for the Hebrew people and no one else, because the House of Jacob was YHVH’s peculiar possession.

Yeshua said in his teachings: “But go rather to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.” Matthew 10:6. and also “I am not sent but to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.” Matthew 15:24. There is no similar passage in the gospels affected by Paul or in the Johannine tradition. The message of Yeshua was directed to the House of Israel and the House of Jacob which at that time was the same, as the Jewish people kept up with the farflung travelings of their people.

Paul on the other hand starts talking about grafting Gentiles onto the Jewish tree of life in the book of Romans. However, his method of grafting the Gentiles on was not to convert them as required by Jewish law, but rather just to make them god-fearers bound by the most minimal of the Mosaic laws. We reject this idea completely as not supported by Jesus teaching or scripture.

Someone said in recent New York Times article that when you strip all the other things away, G-d is a g-d of love. There is no doubt that G-d loves his peculiar inheritance, but there is not one word to extend that love to those not in that inheritance. When he says love thy neighbor as thyself he is quoting Leviticus 19:18 out of context. That passage is part of the Holiness Code and is binding only on the descendants of the House of Jacob and Israel. It is true that 1 John 4:8 says that G-d is love, but 1 John was written to the Nasoreans and not to the Pauline Church and G-d teaches love and is love to that sect of Judaism.

In conclusion, there is not one word of support for the idea that G-d loves Gentiles. G-d loves his peculiar inheritance and those who are converted to it.

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