Friday, February 19, 2010

Nasorean Orthodox Qahal Belief Statement

We believe in One G-d who was before all things and is the Endless Light. 1 John 1:5. The ancients called him simply El or El Elyon or El Shaddai. He was the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Exodus 6:2.

We believe in One Lord, the Divine Logos, formed from the First Ray, before the beginning in a perfect vacuum. We believe that He Created first the Elohim, the Archangels of the Presence, who are seven in number and who ruled over 63 other Elohim, who with the original seven were the Sons of G-d assigned to the Seventy Nations. Deuteronomy 32:8.We believe that He with all the Elohim created the Heavens and the Earth. Gen. 1:1We believe that one of His names is YHVH.

We believe that the One Lord allowed his Ruach to be incarnated into seven men so that he could show to mankind how to be perfected. These men were Enoch, Noach, Melchizedek, Yoshua bar Nun, Shlomoh ha Melech, Yeshua ha Cohen, and Yeshua bar Maryam. These men were purely human, with a Divine Ruach, a human Nephesh, and a human Neshamah.

We believe that the First Ray was so intense and perfect that it exists even today and continues to descend from G-d to mankind through the intercession of the One Lord, YHVH, and is the Presence of the Divine on Earth. She is called Holy Wisdom and Holy Spirit.

We believe that the Torah was given on Mount Horeb to Moshe by YHVH. We believe that YHVH inscribed the Mitzvoth of the Torah on the tablets, front and back, with His own finger, and that every word of the Mitzvoth of the Torah is divinely inspired. These Mitzvoth alone are altogether Divinely inspired having been written by the finger of YHVH.

We believe that the Holy Scriptures consists of those books in the Septuagint translation of the Bible, Enoch 1, 2, and 3, Jubilees, the book that has been called the Coming of Melchizedek, the book that has been called the Messianic Apocryphon, the Didache, the Hebrew version of the Gospel of Matthew, the Gospel of Thomas, the Book called the Letter to the Hebrews, the Letter of James, the three letters of John, and Jude. We believe that these books have four levels of meaning, Peshat, Remez, Dresh, and Sod, and that when one considers all four levels of meaning they are True, but no single meaning is true on its face.

We believe that all writings are inspired by the Holy Spirit, but not all of the same value for reproof, correction and training in holiness.

We believe that Yeshua bar Maryam had the same Ruach as the previous six Meshiachot and that this Divine Soul descended upon him at his mikveh in the River Jordan by Yochannan. We believe that He was Melchizedek returned and was truly the High Priest of G-d in the Order of Melchizedek and the King of Jerusalem. We believe that He came to declare once and for all that the Bloody Sacrifice was ended and the Sacrifice of Melchizedek was restored. We believe that He reinstituted the Sacrifice of Melchizedek at the Seder Meal celebrated in accordance with the Nasorean laws and at the critical moments in the Seder in which the bread is broken and also when the wine blessed for the third cup, the Cup of Redemption, He declared the Bloody Sacrifice ended by saying: “This is my Body and this is the Cup of My Blood which will be shed in Anamnesin of Me” signifying that he rejected the Bloody Sacrifice completely and restored the Sacrifice of Melchizedek. Yeshua, being the most perfect of the incarnations of YHVH, knew that His blood would be sufficient to change the sacrifice and restore the True Sacrifice to the world. When his hands and feet were pierced during his crucifixion, the payment was made for the restoration of the Melchizedekan Sacrifice. At his death, the Veil of the False Temple was torn in half and the Spirit of G-d left the False Temple forever.

We believe that upon Yeshua’s ascent to heaven he again presided as High Priest and King of the Heavens and brought his own blood as the Sacrifice sufficient to restore nature to the true sacrifice of Bread and Wine.

We believe that Yeshua sends down his Body and Blood for our Kiddush on Friday Night and at the other services of the Sabbaths and that it is sufficient to cleanse the repentant soul of any sin not unto death. 1 John 5:16. We further believe that after one has been mikvehed into the community, baptized in the holy spirit, made aware of the gracious gifts, become a full member of the community and then sins a sin unto death, that one is damned forever and has no hope. There is no second forgiveness. Hebrews 6:4-6.

We believe that in order to join with the Yahad a man must be circumcised and we reject the so-called compromise of Jerusalem as an invention of Luke and Paul.

We believe that the laws governing what we are to eat are still fully in effect.

We believe that all the Mitzvoth of Torah are binding on the community.

We believe that the little ones new to the faith must be allowed to carry as much of the burden as they can, but that the stronger must carry all the burden.

We believe that the Holy Spirit has instituted certain gifts on mankind from the beginning and that all those gifts are fully functional today. We believe that some are called to gifts of offices as set forth in the Didache. We believe that no one should be made a full member of the community until they demonstrate at least one of those gifts that were normative in the early community that followed Yeshua and which are included in the longer ending of the so-called Gospel of Mark. We believe that no person should be made an elder in the community until they have walked through the Gate of Righteousness, taken the cross of Yeshua upon their back, climbed Jacob’s Ladder to the fifth rung, and demonstrated all the elementary gifts of speaking in tongues, healing, exorcism, drinking poison, and picking up serpents when sent in front of them by G-d. It is clear that G-d may call both men and women to leadership in a community and any other office, but as Deborah says, a woman will only be called when there is no man to do the work.

We believe that at some time the Meshiach of David will come and establish a glorious kingdom on earth. We believe that no one knows the time or place that such an event will occur. We deny that Yeshua was that person or that He will return and declare that the claim that he would return was an invention of Paul and Luke.

We believe in the physical resurrection of the dead at the end of time. We believe that each of us will be reincarnated six or seven times depending on whether we come from the line of YHVH or the line of the Holy Spirit. We believe that we will be impelled to greater holiness at each reincarnation. We believe that some will be admitted into the Kingdom of Heaven but that others will choose the darkness, heat and absence from G-d in Hell for all eternity.

We believe that the Nephesh dies at the death of its host; that the Ruach rises from the dead body and ascends to the third heaven where it is purified and placed in the well of souls for reuse; and that the Neshamah returns to the Divine Presence from which it came.

We believe as is taught by the Prophet Yirmayahu in Chapters 16 and 23 that all the descendants of the House of Jacob will return to the true faith and to the land that G-d has given them before the Meshiach of David comes. We teach that it is wrong to proselytize any person, but that the truth should be shared with all so that the Holy Spirit may inspire them to choose for G-d. We specifically reject the so-called great commission as being absent from the Hebrew Gospel of Matthew. We teach that even a drop of the blood of Jacob will impel a person to want to know more about the Torah and the Truth of Yeshua.

We teach that there is an overriding duty to show the gerim hospitality when requested for we do not know when we will serve the Eliyahu at his return or Angels in disguise. We deny that there is any duty to preach the good news to any one except the lost sheep of the House of Jacob and only they will hear our voice.

We specifically teach that there is a Divine Voice as is spoken of throughout Scripture and that only the Called will hear that Voice. That Voice will lead us toward the Truth and some will be Chosen who follow it.

We teach any one who rejects the Truth when presented must be left to their own lives until the request more. We are to kick the dust from our shoes and leave them alone.

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