Thursday, February 4, 2010

On the Truth About El, YHVH, and Jesus

The people of Canaan worshiped a multitude of entities which they called gods. By the standards of today, these entities were not gods because they were not omniscient, omnipotent and omni-benevolent which are the three qualities that modern philosophers put on the concept of godhood. These entities were very powerful and seemed very godlike to their worshipers. They are real; they are called elementals and have existed since the very beginning. They are like angels in that they are eternal, but they are like man in that they do not have to obey the spiritual rules. They can be killed, but killing them is merely absorbing their energy into the one conquering them or into the divine light that surrounds us.

We know from archaeology that the people of Canaan and Lebanon believed in one supreme being, the father of all. He neither had a name nor was he addressed by some name. He was called El, which means G-d. There were two titles that were used to describe this being, Elyon and Shaddai. Elyon means Most High and Shaddai means Almighty. Exodus 6:2-3 says: “And the Archangel spoke to Moses, and said to him, I am YHVH and I appeared unto Abraham, Yitzak, and Ya’akov by the name El Shaddai, but by my name, YHVH, I was not known to them.” The problem with this statement from a purely logical and didactic point of view is we are required to believe that YHVH dissembled and claimed to be someone other than who He was. As difficult as that idea is to accept, we have proof of the contrary included in the scriptures.

Scholars believe that much of the Torah was written in parts. They generally say that there was a school of theologians who called G-d El or Elohim; they are called the Elohists. There is another school of theologians who called G-d YHVH; they are called the Yahwists. There is a third group called the Priestly source and was interested in supporting the theology of the Priesthood. The fourth group was a later group who redacted the first four books of the Torah and wrote their own book, called Deuteronomy. I believe that there is a fifth source; that source is the Archangel of the Presence and He wrote all the Mitzvoth or Ordinances and the Ten Sayings or Ten Commandments on tablets of stone.

If we are to believe that YHVH did not reveal himself to Abraham as YHVH but rather as El and that in reality YHVH was the being that Abraham believed in, then there is a problem for in Deuteronomy 32:8-9 we have a smoking gun that harkens back to a time before Moses. For some reason, it came through to the Deuteronomist source and was not excised. What it says challenges significantly the statement in Exodus 6:2-3.

Deuteronomy 32:8-9 says in the Dead Sea Scrolls these words found at 4QDeut LXX:

“When Elyon gave to the nations their inheritance, when he separated mankind, he set the bounds of the peoples according to the number of the Sons of G-d for YHVH’s portion is his people; Ya’akov is the lot of His inheritance.”

It was believed in Canaan and Lebanon at the time of Abraham that El had 70 sons and one daughter, Asherah. According to Jewish tradition expanding on Genesis 10, there are 70 nations and according to their belief each nation had its own elemental or god that would rule over it. The smoking gun says in effect that there is a Great G-d, a true G-d, named El Elyon and that he has 70 Sons which are the g-ds of the 70 nations. If that be true, then Abraham worshipped the true G-d El and Moses served the Archangel YHVH, but not the true G-d and the Archangel lied to Moses. I do believe that there was any such lie. I think the Yahwists changed things to meet their needs, but the more correct position is that there is a Great G-d El and a lesser G-d, YHVH, who is King of the G-ds.

The efforts made to hide this truth from mankind are interesting. When this passage was translated into Greek from the same text above quoted, this is what the translation said:

“When the Most High divided the nations, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the nations according to the number of the Angels of G-d. And his people Jacob became the portion of YHVH, Israel was the line of his inheritance.”

The Septuagint Scholars did not want to carry on the idea that there were 70 lesser gods. So they changed the tradition to make the gods into Angels, Archangels and declared that Israel was the portion of the Archangel YHVH. So now we have the book that Jesus quoted from, that Philo read, saying that there was a Great G-d and an Archangel YHVH, who is the King of the Angels.

When the passage was translated by the Masoretes, it came out this way:

When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the children of men, He set the borders of the peoples according to the number of the children of Israel, for the portion of YHVH is His people, Ya’akov, the lot of His inheritance.

The occultation of the passage has now become complete. No longer do we see what Jesus saw, what Paul saw, what James saw, what Peter saw. We see instead the opinions of the Rabbim at Yavneh which was made some 60 years after Jesus and 25 years after Paul, James, and Peter.

Why am I making such a big deal of this? Simply because the Nasoreans and many of those followers of Jesus that lived in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Parthia, and Arabia, in fact all of the Middle East, believed that there was a Great and True G-d, El, memorialized by the Nasoreans in the Zohar as Ain Soph Aur, the Endless Light. They believed that Jesus was a lesser G-d, who cooperated with G-d as the Word of G-d to create the world and everything in it, but he was not always and did not know everything and was not almighty. The teacher Arius understanding Philo and the Neo Platonists took up the scriptural battle in the early years of the third century and taught these truths, supported by scripture and believed by those who knew Jesus personally.

The scam that has been made on the persons who believe in the Book is perhaps the greatest scam in history. The world is not like the Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants, Muslims, Jews, and other westerners say. The world is much more like what the Mormons say with their three g-ds. Arius was right. He was suppressed by a pagan emperor to maintain his power and the peace of his empire, but Arius was right. Eusebius makes it clear that the Bishops of the Middle East for the most part agreed with Arius. Some were excommunicated and exiled; some gave in and kept their peace. The question that must be asked is do you want to believe what Jesus believed or the lies of the Council of Yavneh and the Council of Nicaea. If you choose Jesus, only the Nasorean sect of Judaism is the true faith of scripture and you should investigate it.

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