Friday, January 29, 2010

Abortion and Scott Roeder

It took jurors 37 minutes on Friday to convict Scott Roeder, an abortion opponent, of first-degree murder in the death of George R. Tiller, one of the few doctors in the country to perform late-term abortions.

The Didache, our Constitution, and the oldest document of the original followers of Yeshua forbids abortion absolutely. Modern Jewish rulings tend to posit a somewhat lessened requirement which allows the mother to claim that the child is attacking her and that aborting the child will protect her life. The Nasoreans position on abortion is abortion should only be allowed when three doctors concur that the child's continued presence in the womb will cause death to the mother. One is not allowed to kill merely on the supposition that an event might occur. While self-defense against an attacker is allowed under the Torah law, the response must be no greater than the threat. Thus, abortion can only occur when the threat is certain death if the pregnancy is not ended.

George Tiller was a murderer of the worst sort. He murdered babies in the womb long after they became viable. He did it for the most base of reasons, money and the continued immorality of the woman. Scott Roeder made it clear that mass murder must be stopped. He took the only action that a brave man could take, one whose purpose was to protect life of the weakest in our society, and he did it only after careful thought. George Tiller was no normal abortionist. He was Mengele whose acts were impassionate and calculated. It is lawful for a person to kill when protecting others from death.

The fact that Scott Roeder chose to commit the act of self-defense in the setting of an apostate church speaks highly of his understanding of divine justice. The fact that apostate Kansas has a law allowing the murder of children in the womb makes no difference. Hitler's Germany allowed him to murder Jews, Polish, Russians, Gypsies, Masons, gays, and anyone else he hated. The execution of Hitler and his lieutenants was always allowed under scriptural law. Scott Roeder likewise is protected by G-d's law.

The 12 Jurors are damned and will go to hell for their acts. Further, their damnation will be remembered against their descendants unto the fourth generation.

Let us pray that the scourge of abortion which has threatened civilization for the past 2300 years will stop soon and let us hope that doctors will cease doing business with abortionists under any conditions. Let us pray for the life and continued blessing of Scott Roeder, who acts like a Prophet of G-d in taking his vengeance against an righteous monster.

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