Sunday, January 17, 2010

Scholars Wrong Again

Up until January, 2010, the august scholars all said that the Hebrew written language only went back to 600 BCE. It was therefore impossible, said they, for the Bible to have been written in the time of David, who might or might not exist. What was sure was that the little village of Salem was not the important capital of a kingdom in the area controlled by Egypt.

All that changed. Gershon Galil, a professor of Biblical Studies at the University of Haifa deciphered a shard brought to him from excavations at Khirbet Qeiyafa, near Israel's Elah Valley. It contained written words with clearly Hebrew themes and some words that only meant something in Hebrew rather than one of the other Semitic languages. The text proves that there was a Kingdom of Israel in the 10th Century before the Common Era. It proves that there was a consistent religious opinion about the treatment of slaves, widows, and orphans at this early time, almost certainly because of the people's previous acquaintance with slavery. It proves that the Torah could have been written in the time of David and Solomon. It also proves that Hebrew is oldest script that was not pictographic.

Why is this so important? Simply, Bible one, scholars zero. The Bible has proven correct once more.

There is a new religion, a powerful religion, with much state funding. It is called Science. What is conjectured, considered, hypothesized, becomes dogma and then truth. What is really Theory is elevated to fact. And how evil those who dare to say that there is insufficient information. I love science, but I am not a devotee of Science. I do not worship it nor do I bow down to it. I have faith in G-d, not Science.

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