Friday, January 8, 2010

The House of Jacob and the House of Israel

All of us know that Ya'akov was the younger son of Yitzak and grandson of Avraham. Most of us remember that when he returned with his wives from his sojourn with Laban, Ya'akov wrestled with the Archangel of the Presence, in the form of Enoch, and was injured. The Archangel gave him a new name after the fight, Israel. There is a house of Jacob, that is, there are descendants of Jacob who are not Jews today and who have chosen other religious persuasions. They are people who descend from the lost tribes and from those who have left Judaism over the centuries. The House of Jacob, we believe, numbers about 140,000,000 people. In addition, there are those like the Nasoreans, the Samaritans, the Karaites, and the Jews who are descendants of the House of Israel and believe that they are true Jews today. Their numbers are about 14,000,000. Thus the vast majority of the descendants of Jacob are not followers of the Torah.

The House of Jacob, however, carries on the bloodline of Jacob. It has been my observation that even a single drop of Jacobian blood makes the person more open to what the Torah says. Jesus told his disciples not to go to the Gentiles, but rather to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. Matthew 10:6. The ministry of Paul to the Gentiles is now and always has been an error and a violation of the halakah of Yeshua (Jesus). But a ministry to the 140,000,000 lost sheep is not only valid but necessary. These people are open to hearing the truth about the Torah.

The Prophet Yirmayahu (Jeremiah) makes two cryptic statements about the House of Israel in his prophecies. One is at 16:14 in which he promises to bring the House of Israel from the lands of the North, literally, Russia, Europe, North America, Turkey, Syria, and Lebanon. The other passage is even more interesting for here it says at 23:8 that the Lord will bring the seed of the House of Israel from the lands of the North. There are literally millions of Jews from Russia in Israel today, but there are millions of persons who are the seed of the House of Israel, not only in Russia, but throughout the northern countries. All of them will be called home. That call will be internal and will be felt as a call to return to the Torah.

Yeshua (Jesus) was the prophet of the Return. He sent out his followers to find them and teach them the truth. His message has been waylaided by the false teachers who followed the liar Paul, but now their very blood is calling them back to the Torah. The Nasorean Sect of Judaism is the sect of Yeshua and the Apostles. Those misled people who try to become Messianic Jews seek to follow the lies of the Pharisees and are worse off than when they started. True Judaism does not believe in a Trinity of any Godhead. It believes that G-d is One, that his Archangel is One, and that the Holy Spirit is One. The True G-d is not YHVH. The True G-d is El Shaddai v'et Elyon. YHVH is the Archangel of the Presence and as Yeshua says, they are the same. This Archangel created the other Archangels and they together, the Elohim, created the Heavens and the Earth. O, House of Jacob, make Teshuvah to the Torah and the Nasorean faith.


  1. If it is assumed that the "lost" 10 northern tribes of Israel were at least part of what Jesus was referring to when he said "lost sheep of the House of Israel", and he considered it his mission to gather them in... Then would that mission not in the end require a mission to the Gentiles? The lost sheep would have been scattered among gentile nations, and it is easy to see after a few hundred years how they might lose their identity as Jews.

  2. Yes, JB, they will lose their identity, but their blood calls out to the truth. They feel a desire to be united with the Chosen of Ya'akov. They feel a desire to unite with Yisrael. They will listen to the honest statements of the Nasoreans and others and be called back to the Torah.
