Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Life After Life and Whose Side is G-d On?

The Nasoreans and the Pharisees believed in reincarnation. They do not believe that people could be reborn as people, because they believed that only the soul called Ruach could be reborn. An animal according to first century Jews had no Ruach or Spirit, only Breath of Life, Nephesh. These two sects, from which Christians and Jews descend, believed that all persons would be reborn six or seven times depending on which line they were in. The lines were the line of Metatron and the line of the Holy Spirit.

When one believes in reincarnation, the importance of life and of the body decrease because we are guaranteed another chance to perfect the Ruach. However, the persona that is you will never be reborn; it will be recorded in on the fourth soul and be remembered forever. With that understanding, the individual death of a human being is not important in the scheme of things. On the other hand, the force of karma, the accumulated negative effects and positive effects of our lives is manifested in the new life.

When 200,000 people die, we are sad. But the more important reality is that the divine balance of giving and taking is thrown into chaos. By taking these lives in an earthquake, the Archangel Ariel must compensate by doing some major event that is a blessing not only to the world but to a people. A giving is required; a giving is required that helps more than 200,000 people dramatically.

There are those that would claim G-d is against the Haitians or G-d is for someone else. In reality, G-d favors the balance of giving and taking and is not on anyone's side. Whether people kill themselves as suicide bombers in Kabul or do extraordinary acts of kindness in Port-au-Prince, the only concern that G-d has is the balance of giving and taking. He must give back hugely to right the balance with the huge taking that has been done in Haiti and the Indian Ocean. The very blood of the 420,000 people who have lost their lives demands that the Archangel Ariel balance the evil that he has done with an extraordinary good.

It is clear therefore that G-d is not on the side of either the forces against the Taliban and al-Qaeda or the forces of the Taliban and al-Qaeda. It does not favor death, whoever does it, for it is a taking of life and he opposes humans taking that which he has given. It is not on any side in this war, but he allows for great opportunities to show forth charity.

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