Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Freedom: Religious and Speech

This blog is called "Reflections From a High Mountain" because like Jesus standing on the high mountain, I hope to see the world in perspective. Having been to Mt. Tabor which is generally thought to have been the mount of transfiguration, I could see why it would have been thought to be a High Mountain. Well, I want to speak a bit about a trend that I see developing in Europe that greatly troubles me.

In Switzerland, the people by popular vote outlawed new minarets, the buildings from which muzzeins tell Muslims to come for prayer. Granted their loud calls might be distracting, but so are church bells. It is apparent that the real reason for outlawing the minarets was religious discrimination against Muslims, Muslims who in Switzerland are Bosnian and not Arabs. This detestable act is only one of a series of attacks on religious freedom that are occurring in this supposedly enlightened Europe which sees fit to talk about how every where else does things.

In the United Kingdom, the vegans are pushing to outlaw kosher killing which will have the effect of causing all meat purchased by Muslims and Jews to be purchased outside of Britain. Kosher killing is the most humane form of slaughter and is required by the Torah and the Koran. The real purpose is obviously anti-Semitic, discrimination against both Jews and Muslims.

In France and the United Kingdom, there are strong moves to outlaw burqas on women. This religious dress is required by many Muslim sects. Such acts are obviously anti-Muslim.

In all these countries, the law is built upon precedent and code. If the precedent starts out forbidding minarets, it will not be long before the government will decide if new mosques and synagogues should be built. If it is illegal to wear a burqa, it may soon be illegal to wear a yarmulke or even a cross. If it is illegal to kill animals in a humane way, it is not long before the state will outlaw kosher food and force swine down the throats of Muslims and Jews.

The growth of anti-Semitic activity throughout Europe is serious. Rabbis are attacked on the way to synagogue, imams are attacked for fostering dialogue, girls are dismissed from school for refusing to wear immodest dress, and the situation is getting worse.

If we do not stand up for Muslims now, it will be Nasorean Jews who are again rounded up and executed for our beliefs as we were in Torquemada's Spain and Roman Israel. How many people must die before we see that religious freedom is everyone's right.

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